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An awkward silence filled the room

As the two sat down in silence after their talk

The sound of their heavy could be heard as no one dared to enter the library

"Hyung! I'm bored!"

The younger exclaimed as he banged his head again to the wooden table. "Shut it Jisung. You know this might happen. We're in a library, we were bound to get bored."

Jisung groaned in response. "I might die of boredom hyung! Help me!"

"I'll kill you with my sword right here if you don't shut up Jisung." The older threatened, making the younger to stay quiet. As they thought they were going to be another silence between them, a loud crashed was made, startling the two nobles.

"Great job hyung! You could have opened it like a normal person."

"That's the thing. I'm not like you guys."

The two teens who are covered in black paint started to argue as they walked to the library grabbing Yangyang's bag. "Sweet, Yangyang hyung brought a lot of food there." the younger said as they opened the leather bag, completely unaware of the nobles there. "Yah! Don't eat it now. This is for all of us." The older scolded as he smacked the younger's hand away from the bag.

As the two village teens stood away from them, the other two teens couldn't help but stare at them. "Oh my God..." Mark mumbled under his breath as he kept on staring at the brunette. As for Jisung, he couldn't help but stare at the green-haired boy. If Jisung was being himself, he would laugh his ass off and mocking the teen as his hair looks like a cabbage. But no, the two boys just stayed there, letting their imaginations run wild as they stare at the two village teens.

"Look, we need to find that instruction book. So what did Jungwoo hyung said about the location he put it?" the brunette said as he slings the leather bag around his shoulder letting it hang there. "Aisle 14 he said." the green-haired respond.

"Right and aisle 14 is right over there."

The brunette said as he pointed to the direction they needed and at the same time the direction where the two nobles were sitting. Both the brunette and green-haired look up from the paper they were holding, only to meet with two unfamiliar guests.

"Who are you and what are you doing here? The library is on a break" the brunette said as he stood in front of his friend. Mark broke out from trance as he looks up to the brunette who is in front of him, talking to him. "Uh..." "We were just waiting here for our uh..." Jisung said but zoned out as he made eye contact with the green haired.

"Hyung! They are the one who ordered the announcement. That's why they're here." The green haired said as he grabbed the attention of the older brunette. "Oh really? I'm sorry then I just thought you guys were something else." The brunette apologized.

"No worry... Uh... I guess we were too quiet here." Mark said rubbing his nape in embarrassment. "Hahaha, well it is a library, after all, we don't blame you." both teens chuckled as the nobles felt their hearts fluttering inside of them after hearing the small laugh.

"What's your name? My name is Lee Donghyuck, but you can call me Haechan," the brunette said "And this green haired here is Chenle, Zhong Chenle" he continued as the Chenle waved shyly behind him.

"Nice to meet you both, I'm Mark, Mark Lee and this here is Jisung, Park Jisung."

"You put your surname in a different way, Mark." The brunette said, noticing the different placement of the name.

"Yeah, it kinda sticks to me since I was little" Mark said giving Haechan a small smile. "Don't worry I like it, " Haechan said as he replied the smile with his own.

Mark blushed slightly at the sight as he looked down in embarrassment. Jisung, on the other hand, stayed quiet as he admires the beautiful green haired male in front of him.

"What about you Jisung? Why don't you spell your name like Mark?" Chenle said turning to the orange haired. Jisung flinched as his name was called out. "Uh... I uh..." Chenle smiled as Jisung stammered on his words "I'll call you Jisung Pwark then."

" What?!!" Jisung exclaimed as he snapped back into reality. "So I can call you in a different way"

Jisung joined Mark as he blushed at the sight of the smiling Chenle. "Well we better get going, Renjun hyung is probably waiting for us."

Haechan said as he waved at the two nobles, Chenle followed his action not forgetting to say a few words. "It's nice to meet you both. Bye bye!"

The two boys left the nobles there as Mark and Jisung stayed speechless. "Mark hyung..."

Mark turned his head to the younger, raising an eyebrow "What's up?" Mark responded. "I think I just saw an angel hyung..."

❁ ❁ ❁

Renjun was carrying the pile of papers that was freshly stamped from the basement to the front desk. As he got to the desk he saw the two nobles who are still sitting on their spot. He wanted to call them out but he reminds himself that he didn't know their name.

He searched for the paper that Jungwoo wrote on but the paper was nowhere to be seen. He gave up a couple of minutes later as he thought that he should wait for Jungwoo to call them out. He sat on the chair, taking a glimpse of the stack of paper beside him.

They wouldn't mind if I read it right? I didn't get the chance to after all when we were working on it and besides they are going to announce it to the whole village.

Renjun thought as he grabbed on paper that was stacked on the very top. He read through it, studying every letter, every word carefully. His eyes went wide after he finished reading.

Tears soon started to flow down from his eyes as he felt his heart clenched. The painful feeling he felt after reading it didn't seem to fade as the words continued to linger in his mind. It's not his business and it is not his place to be hurt by it. But why did he get hurt so much just after reading that?

They're... They... They're getting married soon


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