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Jeno rode his horse steadily across the clear path. With the sun shining above, everything seemed too easy for him. Of course, he needed to keep his guard up. Who knows what might strike him next.

Yes. Next. Earlier Jeno had to fight some bandits on his own, it's his win obviously.

Jeno yawned, rubbing his neck. "God this is killing me." He mumbled as he passed by another path, leading to another one. Jeno cocked an eyebrow as he stared deeply to the forest path.

Jeno inhaled his breath before exhaling it. "Follow your instinct Jeno, just follow it."

Jeno turned his horse to the path, entering the forest. Everything just became very nostalgic for the prince. Remembering the first moment he encountered Renjun here. Speaking of Renjun, Jeno was deeply worried for him, not just him. Leaving Jaemin behind did leave a bit of guilt inside knowing he would have to deal with the two bratty girls.

Jeno sighed and looked around, searching for any signs of Johnny, Yuta, Taeyong or even Renjun. The prince kept on searching for his friends for hours until the moon rises again.

Jeno took a seat on the green grass as he decided to rest for the night. He opened his vest and cloaked putting it beside him. Stretching his legs and arms, he yawned and laid his back on the ground.

He stared the dark blue starry sky, trying to go to sleep. When he finally closed his eyes, he was disturbed by a loud noise of arguing.

"You fucker! You let it get away!"

"You know Renjun strongly prohibited us from killing the animals"

"It's the only way to get meat!"

"You and your carnivorous behavior."

"Fuck off!"

Taking another step, the two met eyes with the young prince. Jeno eyes widen and so did the other two. "Johnny hyung? Yuta hyung?"


They said in unison, both guards quickly bow down as Jeno immediately told them to stand up. "Where have you been?" Jeno asked, completely shocked by the sudden encounter. "Uh- exploring!" Yuta said, earning a nudge from the older. "Nice one Na Yuta."

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