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Under the blue light sky, the boys sat there in quiet. Renjun kept on fiddling with his finger with couples of the dying flowers in hands.

Jeno and Jaemin didn't dare to break the silence between them. They both just stared at the older. Jeno nudged Jaemin by the arm, telling him to go to the older.

"Why are you telling me to do that? Go do it yourself." Jaemin whispered back, glaring at his friend. When they both became quiet, two acorns landed on each of their heads. They groaned silently before looking up to see several squirrels on the tree branch on top of them, holding a bunch of acorns in their tiny hand ready to throw it again.

Jeno glared only to have another acorn thrown at him. Jaemin suffered the same thing because of Jeno, "Stop it, you're making it worse." the pink-haired whispered, pulling the older by his ear. Jeno pushed the latter away from before another acorn landed on his head.

"Stop that, "

Renjun kind voice said as he looked up to the squirrels on the branch scurried away and back to their home.

Jeno and Jaemin watched in confusion. They looked at Renjun who is staring back at them with sad eyes. Jeno gathered all his courage before standing up and sat next to Renjun.

"Renjunie, We-"

"It's okay, "

Jeno looked to the smaller male. Renjun had his head hang low, eyes were locked on his hands. Jaemin joined and sat on the empty space next to Renjun. He gently wrapped an arm around Renjun's shoulder, putting his head on his shoulder.

"We didn't mean to Injunie." Jaemin said lowly as he caressed the smaller's cheeks. "I said it's fine." Renjun replied not looking up to the princes.

An awkward silent came rushing in after that. Jeno just had his eyes stuck on the smaller and Jaemin just kept on caressing his cheeks softly.

Just when things got even awkward, Renjun heard a loud noise of stomach grumbling. He finally looked up to see both of the princes blushing in embarrassment.


They both nodded slowly and looked away. "Didn't you guys just have a picnic?" Renjun asked curiously. "We lost our appetite, "

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