Chapter One: The Girl Who Never Died

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"Dudley! Melia! Get down here! It's dinner time!!" Petunia Dursley, wife of Vernon Dursley and mother of Dudley Dursley, sister of Lily Potter, and aunt to both Harry and Melia yelled.

At first the woman was slightly cautious, but as Mellie grew up, she felt reassured, and was thankful to trust her own heart than to trust that stupid letter.  

To Petunia Dursley née Evans.

This is the child of your sister and the wizarding world's most hated enemy, Voldemort.

Your sister cheated on her husband, and though Harry is she and James's child as seen through his looks, Camellia; this girl's name, is identical to the young Voldemort who used to roam within my school's walls.

After the truth was out to myself, I decided to take the matter to my own hands. The ministry has decided that she is to be raised as a Muggle, and kept a secret from her real father, and far from the influence of the magical world.

Harry is safe with me. I hope you will have a pleasant life.

Yours truly, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Petunia would have none of it. She knew very well who 'Voldemort' was. Tom Marvolo Riddle was not an uncommon guest at the Evans household. He was the two girls' childhood friend, and a most brilliant brother to Severus. Even though they were only adopted.

Tom and Lily grew closer together, and Severus could only watch Lily from afar, whilst she herself admired Severus behind her fringe.

She had hated Dumbledore from the moment he did not accept her into his school. She had practised magic with her two friends and sister, making the cutlery levitate, waking up, stuck to a ceiling.

Of course, when she found that her three greatest friends one of which was her family received a letter, she fumed at the headmaster, sending a letter to ask whether he had gone you know, slightly cuckoo. Of course, he denied the fact that she had magic and she was torn away from her only dream.

Though secretly, she went to Diagon Alley with her sister and friends to get her own wand, and after every year of her friend's education, they would teach her magic, borrow books from the library, teaching young Petunia how to control her magic without the use of wands, to go undetected by the ministry.

The act of teaching made them geniuses in their subject, and that earned them a seat well high amongst the teachers.

Severus became cold at heart after continuous bullying from the Marauders and the comparison between him and his 'perfect' brother. Compared by Albus himself. Petunia never stopped loving him though. Not until she found out that he betrayed them, to join Dumbledore's side.
Not knowing the full story, Petunia distanced herself from him, and they never got together.

On the other hand, Tom and Lily became extremely close. They were two halves of a whole, one perfect balance.

After their Hogwarts graduation, Petunia also graduated from University, a few years early as a protégé, earning herself a high seat as the secretary of Mr Vernon Dursley.

He was kind to her, and they started a relationship. She revealed her abilities and she was accepted.

Lily and Tom had married, but a few years later, one month after finding that Petunia was expecting a son, James Potter, a now crazed pawn of Dumbledore, disguised himself as Tom and later, Lily too was expecting a child.

After the discovery that she was tricked, Tom killed the followers of Albus. One by one. He made a name for himself, Voldemort. His most loyal friends became the death eaters, with the ability to fly like smoke. The idea started because of Voldemort's name. Vol de Mort, translated in French to 'Flight of Death'

Voldemort became known as the most evil wizard known next to Grindelwald, and Tom Riddle was forgotten from the world.

Lily Riddle, though most people assumed she was Lily Potter, gave birth to two children. One with red locks and blue eyes, one with black hair and green eyes. Neither Lily nor Tom had hair that dark. Only one person came to mind with hair that unruly and dark. James Potter.

Tom accepted Harry as his child, and Lily loved her husband for it, until a year passed, when it came near the twins' birthday.

In order to hide Melia from odd looks; why she had blue eyes when her mother and 'father' had green and brown eyes, Tom cast a glamour to hide her crystal blue eyes to a dull brown and green.

Tom was out, going into hiding, as well as looking for presents for his son and his daughter, whilst Lily and the twins were staying at home, waiting for the arrival of Severus, who had planned to discuss their future as family. After lunch, an unexpected visitor arrived, and Albus walked in the house, the house of Lily, and Tom Marvolo Riddle.

"Albus! You're not welcome here! Get out! Immediately! Before you wake the twins!" Lily tried to shoo him out but the warlock did not budge.

"Out of my way Lily. Sybil spoke of a prophecy. One which your child will take part of. Out of my way and I shall not repeat myself again Mrs Potter!"

"How could you mistake me for a wife of that horrid! Awful!, Stag of a man!"

"Then who are you?"

"Lily Riddle thank you very much! Now leave!" Albus' complexion became pale and he ran up the stairs, while Lily shot hexes at him, not that he had his protection charms off.

He aimed his wand at the twins and tried to cast a spell, which would kill one child, whilst the other will remain alive. Lily jumped in the way and she was hit by the spell, just after casting a powerful charm, all was to protect her children.

Albus shot another spell, but it bounced off onto his hand. It became crippled and black, as a curse slowly ate him. He saw how the girl protected the boy and started to calculate his ways. He flicked his wand and Harry was gone, leaving alone, the little Camellia.

Albus left, together with Mellie, wrapped in a blanket, off to her aunt. Severus arrived, and a few minutes later, Tom stood by his dead wife, wondering why he didn't create a horcrux for her earlier.

His son was taken, his daughter was gone, his wife was dead, and he was all alone.

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