Chapter Five: Shopping At Diagon Alley

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''Aunty 'Nia? I'm sorry I ran away...''

"I finally found you! Oh don't give your aunt such a nasty shock Melia!, and besides, I should be the one apologising! I shouldn't have said such a mean thing to you, even though it was an act!" Petunia sobbed into her niece's shoulder and Tom raised an eyebrow.


"It's my nickname. I've got loads. 'Lia(pronounced like Leah), Melia(pronounced like Amelia but without the A), Mellie, Cammie, Camellie(pronounced like Amelie but with a C), and Camel by the bullies." She explained, not noticing the grip around her own hand tightening.

"Petunia, bullies?" His voice asked with a threat laced in his words.

"Tom, you know how it was when we were young. Severus was bullied as well, for a similar reason, for not looking normal. She's got bright red hair, he had pitch black. Not the most discrete of colours are they?" Tom nodded and the hand unlatched from Camellia's.

"I'm sorry for not being there to protect you from the bullies, or with you when you were sad. Or any time of your life for that fact..."

"It's all right daddy. Besides, Dudley was there to protect me!" Camellia exclaimed and pulled the blond boy towards her.

"I give you my utmost thanks young man." Tom ruffled up Dudley's hair and he giggled under the touch.

''It's good to see you Tom. How've you been?''

''Well, I've been collecting information so that one day I can reveal to the world the true crimes he has done and to tell the world for who Albus truly is. Tracking down his secret lairs, looking for his followers, and mostly making my own army of men and women and magical creatures of all shapes and sizes.
It started out with only myself, the students who went to school in the same year as us, and knew what had happened, all of the Malfoys except for Lucius, who is currently the master of Malfoy manor, the Weasley's except their third son Percy, who is currently in fourth year, moving up to fifth by the time you'll be attending Hogwarts. The Blacks, and their branch family the Lestranges an the Tonks' are also on our side, as well as the Longbottom's. I know that the Weasley's youngest son, the Longbottom's only son and the Malfoy's only son will be attending in your year as well.''

''Ooh! ooh! what are their names!?'' Tom frowned slightly at his daughter's interest in the boy's names. Petunia noticed and shoved him lightly before he realised his actions and smirked. If any of these boys were to take interest in his daughter, they were going to have to face the one and only Lord Voldemort himself.

''Their names are Ronald Weasley, Neville Longbottom and Draco Malfoy.''

''Heheh. Draco Malfoy! What a funny name!''

''Well, now let's go to Gringotts shall we?''

''Yeah!!'' The two families walked in the direction of the great wizarding bank, and after they left, were soon found in Ollivander's. Though the Dursley's left for home, deciding it was best to leave the long-broken family alone.

''Hello? Is anyone there!?'' Camellia called out upon arriving at a dusty old store full of what looked like shoe boxes. She then suddenly whirled around, surprising the old man instead.

''My my. Here I thought I was really good at surprising young children getting their first wands.'' The old man said as Tom helped him up.

''Tom Riddle. Long time no see my friend. Still making good use of the elder wand?'' Tom showed his wand with six nobs.

''I like to believe I am.''

''I'm sure you are. Make sure that the wand never goes in to the hands of the wrong sort.''

''Of course Garrick.''

''Now, hello Miss Camellia Riddle. I've heard a lot about you from your father you know? You look identical to your mother, but alas. You have your father's eyes. Not only does it feel like yesterday when she came into this shop, asking for her very own wand. She was just like you. She surprised me off of my feet as well! Any how, let us find your wand shall we? You must remember that the wand chooses the witch! Not the other way round!'' he shuffled away and rode up one of the shelf ladders.

''Which is your wand arm?''

''My left sir.''

He jumped around the place, and handed her a wand.

''Wave it for me. Applewood with a dragon heartstring for it's core. Thirteen inches, nice and springy.'' She gave it a wave and her father's hair was set on fire. He smiled and the fire vanished. She swiftly put the wand down and watched as Ollivander jumped behind his shelves once more.

Three hours later, the poor girl had her legs deep in empty boxes for all the different wands she had tried. The entire store was wiped away from its wands. All except one.

''Hmm. I wonder...'' He opened the box, and inside it was a white wand with grey stripes across it in horizontal lines. She held it, and waved it, and the last piece of glass on the door frame broke. Camellia looked down. She wasn't cut out for being a witch after all.

''Never fear Miss Riddle. There is a possibility. Though it is extremely rare. I shouldn't ignore the fact that you have very powerful parents. You yourself, are already massively powerful. So there is a possibility, that these wands reject you because they only hold one core. Their magic cannot contain yours and control it as you wish it to. You will need a wand with two or three cores.'' Camellia's hope never left her eyes, and was reassured by a gentle pat on the back.

''Come in Miss Riddle. You yourself must choose the cores.'' He invited her in, and showed her his workspace. There was one shelf which held all types of jars, containing silvery white hairs, labelled Unicorn Hair. A jar with what looked like normal leather, but labelled Dragon heartstring. He layed out one of the items from each jar in front of her.

''Now Miss Riddle. Hold your hand over each core for a few seconds each. You will feel a strong pull to some of them. Afterwards, tell me which ones, understood?''

''Yes sir.'' She did as she was told, and selected three. She opened her eyes for them to meet with astonished ones of her father and the old wandmaker.

''My good Merlin! The three most strongest cores! Are you sure these were the ones who responded to your magic Miss Riddle?''

''Yes. One of them gave me the image of a fire, then one of them sent a water ripple through my mind, and cancelled the fire out, and then a weird looking bird suddenly appeared, flapped it's wings and the water was replaced with ashes.'' The two men looked at her for a second, but Ollivander started mumbling to to himself.

''Next is the wood my dear. Go to that shelf and you'll find different types of wood. Choose your favourite.''

Yet again, she came back with three types. One was light brown, a sandy colour with a lot of knots. The next was darker and richer, with lesser knots but a white bark. The last was extremely white. Looking similar to Camellia's light fair skin.

''Acacia, Fir and Elder wood. What a strong mixture! Acacia, a very unusual wand wood, which often makes tricky wands that often refuse to produce magic for any but their owner, and also withhold their best effects from all but those most gifted. Fir wands, always makes wands with good luck because it is called 'the survivor's wand', it has been sold to wizards who survived mortal peril unscathed. This wood produces wands that demand power and strength in their true owners. They are poor tools in the hands of the changeable and indecisive. Fir wands are particularly suited to Transfiguration, and favour owners of focused, strong-minded and, occasionally, intimidating demeanour. Elder, the same as your father's and most powerful and rare of all wand woods. It takes a remarkable wizard to keep the elder wand for any length of time. Only a highly unusual person will find their perfect match in elder, and on the rare occasion when such a pairing occurs, I take it as certain that the witch or wizard in question is marked out for a special destiny. An additional fact that I have unearthed during my long years of study is that the owners of elder wands almost always feel a powerful affinity with those chosen by rowan. I believe the youngest Malfoy owns a Rowan wand.'' Ollivander joked at the end after his small outburst of knowledge.

The last comment made Tom scowl.

"Let us make your wand then shall we?"

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