Chapter Seven: Riddle Manor And Meeting The Pure Bloods

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"Misssssssstresssssssssssss. Good to ssssee you reunited with Masssster."

"Nagini! How are you! I can tell you've been fed well. You're twice the length you were before!" Isolt hissed in fright as his form became bright red with stripes like a tiger, his tail fuzzing up until it was twice its usual size.

"It's alright Isolt. This is Nagini, daddy's pet snake."

"It'ssssss not the food which issss making me large misssssstresssssss. Magic feedssss me. Riddle Manor issss an ancient building which hasssss absssorbed a lot of magic over time. Sssso I have been able to grow a lottttt."

"Well try not to eat all the magic or you'll take up most of the house!" Tom exclaimed and petted her gently. She nuzzled against his thigh and slithered away.

"What do you want to do first? Explore then unpack? Unpack then explore? Unpack while exploring? Though the last one may prove a bit of a challenge." He smiled.

"Ummmmm... Unpack! Then the rest of the day can be spent on exploring!"

"Your room will be the whole of the East tower. It's divided in two, and one room will be yours, and the other will be Harry's when the time comes. My room is the South tower, which is pretty close to the East tower." They arrived at a room which was currently being prepared by house elves.

The cylindrical tower was divided down the middle perfectly in half. There were three floors in all. The first floor was filled with book shelves, potions equipment, and an area to sit in by the fire. The second was much brighter, the entire circumference of the tower covered in glass windows, allowing the light to seep in. This floor had a small stove in the centre of the room, with comfy chairs and bean bags surrounding it. There was a table of her own, a small staircase for Isolt and her bed. The third floor was her bedroom. Half the cone shaped roof was her own. The ceiling, again in glass let her see the setting sun. There was a futon on the ground rather than a grand bed with drapes. The futon was covered in cushions, and there were shelves all around the room for books and her belongings in the future. There was also a closet for her future selection of clothes.

It was identical on the other side of the tower, though there was one clear difference. Her side of the interior was green, whilst Harry's side was red.

Sensing her question, Tom began to explain. "You see, after we realised that Harry was going to be born, we thought that one of you will be a definite Gryffindor and the other a Slytherin. I know that's biased, and it's just a silly little argument Lily and I had, so if there's a favourite colour you have, I'll change it immediately!" She smiled in response but looking at the interior and reminding herself of the great outdoors, she had decided.

"My favourite colour used to be blue, but now I know that it's definitely green! So you don't need to change anything daddy!" Tom sighed in relief.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! I am sure! Also, who are they?" She pointed at the mysterious creatures of magic she had never set her eyes upon before.

"They are our house elves dear."

"But are we allowed to force them to do our jobs?"

"Well, that apparently is what they live for..."

"Really? Does that mean you're really good at cooking? Cleaning? Fixing?" She asked.

"Yes mistress Camellia. All of house elves are trained since born."

"Can you teach me?"

"What!? A house elf!? Teach their master!?" She exclaimed dragging down her face in horror.

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