Chapter Two: A Day At The Zoo

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Dudley and Mellie were six. Dudley nearly seven, and Melia will be too, soon after Dudley. They were the best of friends, and were like a real brother and sister. Their family had magic everywhere, when cleaning the dishes, hanging the laundry, cooking the food. Though Vernon  and Dudley could not use magic, they had no negative thought. They accepted its existence fully, and often asked the others to do certain things with magic, or even teach them ways of wizards and witches so that they could have a conversation in the future with magic folk without any awkward situations. 

The elder woman one day looked out, to find a tabby cat staring right back at her. The cat had white markings around its eyes, making it look like it was wearing spectacles.
Feeling a sense of magic from the cat, Petunia cast a shield to protect the house from people with harmful thoughts, and swiftly went back to the children.

"Dudley! Guess what!? guess what!?"

"What Mellie what!?"

"Look at my hair!"

"Oh my... I am so proud of you!! How did you do it!?"

"I just went to bed and it was back!!"

"Well thank goodness 'cause I would've pummelled them for cutting your hair like that." Dudley punched his palm, and Camellia giggled.

"You shan't have to. I, Camellia Riddle can take perfect care of myself." Melia raised her chin up and said in a posh tone, mimicking their teacher. They both broke into fits of giggles and they went on to talk about Camellia's first times of accidental magic.

"Remember when you were being bullied by those girls in the park for having red hair and you got so angry that their hair turned bright pink!? That's one of the best of your magic moments I remember! Their faces!!" Dudley laughed, remembering the past occurrence when they were a few years younger.

"I wonder if magic happens when you get really sad or really angry?" He continued.

"Maybe? Because yesterday, those girls chopped up my hair for it being too red, and it was all uneven and choppy, but today it all grew back!" Mellie combed her hair with her hand fondly.

"Dudders! Mellie! Come down here! We've got a surprise for you!" Dudley's mum and Camellia's aunt called for them and the two ran down stairs, racing who will get there first.

"No running down the stairs! What if you fall over like last time!" Petunia warned, and the two looked at their feet apologetically. Petunia sighed and patted their heads and the two were all sunshine and daisies again.

"What's the surprise!?" Melia asked impatiently and their mother and aunt smiled at the two.

"Tomorrow, we'll be going to the zoo! Because tomorrow is..?"

"Our middle birthday!! I nearly forgot!!!" A middle birthday was a date which was right in the middle between Dudley's and Camellia's birthday and it was when they were both birthday children, so they can share the excitement together.

So the 19th if July was when they each got a small present, one cake to share and had a special outing, whether it was a picnic or a movie. This year it was the zoo, and it was to be their first time.

"Let's go to the Reptile section!" Mellie exclaimed and the two ignored Petunia's warning and continued to run. They looked into one window and Camellia felt almost as if one of them was pulling at her mind.

She stopped in front of one glass room which held a python.

"Hello mistressssssssssssss" the sudden voice ended with Camellia on the ground, shocked out of her pants.

"Who's there!?"

"It issss me mistressssssssssssss. The python nexsssssssst to you."

"How can I hear you!?"

"You are my massster'sss daughter. He issss the heir of Ssslytherin. Therefore you too, are the heir of Ssssalazzar Ssslytherin."

"My father... Brown hair and blue eyes? Had a short beard?"

"Yessss mistressssssssssssss."

"What was his name?"

"Tom Marvolo Riddle. Though he issss now better known asssss Voldemort"

"What's your name?"

"I am Nagini."

"Well Nagini, would you like to go to my father?"

"It will be a dream if that could happen."

"Just a second..." Camellia concentrated on her anger towards Albus and focused it on the glass between herself and Nagini. The glass disappeared and Nagini did what could only be seen as a smile.

"Thank you sssso much missstresss. I shall ssend a word to your father oncssssse I reach him. Anything in particular that ssshould be sssaid?"

"Tell him that I miss him and that I hope to see him soon. Thank you Nagini, and have a safe trip! Say hello to my father!"

"Yess missstressss Camellia."

"See you Nagini! Byeeee!!"

"Woah! Camellia! Were you just talking to a snake!? That is so cool! I wish I could be like that!"

"I was. But that doesn't make you any less special than I am, Dudley. You are your own special person, and don't let any of my actions think otherwise. Understood?" Camellia taught sternly.

"Yes mum." Dudley joked and the children jumped up, looking around at the other animals, curious at their shapes and sizes.

"Lia! Dudley! Come on, we'll be having lunch in a few minutes."

"Yes uncle Vernon!"

"Coming dad!" The children called and immediately rushed to the man who called them over.

"Auntie, the man's watching again."

"Camellia! Come here! No lunch for you! How could you have ruined my little Dudder's day so perfectly!!"

Dudley fake cried , and made it obvious that it was fake. Petunia made her husband's face turn purplish as he bellowed down on Camellia.

Camellia also fake cried, but hers was more realistic, and the passing people looked at the family with disgust and sympathy for the girl. The said man disappeared and Camellia immediately stopped crying. This surprised the customers of the zoo, and Petunia made a hologram of cameramen and cameras appear, to make it look like they were shooting a scene for a movie. The 'audience' clapped and the family scuttled away from the attention.

"Auntie, why does he come to check us every year?"

"Mellie... There's something we have to tell you. But we'll tell you and Dudley once we go home all right?"

"Yes auntie."

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