Chapter Fifteen: Quick Wit

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Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall were running toward them. Camellia stood proud and tall. She had done the right thing, though she had broken the rules to do it. Harry on the other hand, you could see his entire body shaking. Camellia was slightly worried, and would've comforted  him if it hadn't been for McGonagall raising her voice.

"Never, in all my time at Hogwarts--"

Professor McGonagall was almost speechless with shock, and her glasses flashed furiously. Snape on the other hand, didn't lecture Camellia, but cast a spell on her, immediately checking whether she was injured anywhere.
He sighed in relief once he was done, and Camellia beamed at him. He ruffled her hair, and she pouted.

"Professor Snape! I expect some kind of punishment!" McGonagall exclaimed.

"Yes she will. She will clean all the Slytherin corridors from top to bottom. I expect you to punish Potter as well?"

"No physical punishment is required, though I will take twenty points off! As well as a detention after school at ten pm every night for two weeks. Also, how could you have done something so dangerous!?"

"It wasn't his fault, Professor--"

"Be quiet, Miss Patil--"

"But Malfoy--" Camellia growled. Draco had done nothing wrong! They were the ones who stole the remembrall in the first place!

"That's enough, Mr. Thomas. Potter, follow me, now."

Harry caught sight of Malfoy, Longbottom, and Weasley's triumphant faces as he left, though he didn't notice the falsehood at all. The three pure bloods knew he was her brother, and also knew that the exact same girl could be facing expulsion as well.

Walking numbly in Professor McGonagall's and Snape's wake as they strode toward the castle, Harry thought about the horrors of moving back to the orphanage, whilst Camellia was thinking of how it actually might be nice to just be homeschooled instead of going to Hogwarts. She could talk to her friends via fire message anytime, besides, she didn't like facing the Harry like this at all. Though she knew she had to, and shouldn't be spoilt.

Up the front steps, up the marble staircase inside, and still Professor McGonagall or Snape had yet to say a word to them. She wrenched open doors and marched along corridors with the rest trotting a few paces behind her.

Professor McGonagall stopped outside a classroom. She opened the door and poked her head inside.

"Excuse me, Professor Flitwick, could I borrow Wood for a moment?"

Wood? Why wood? Were they going to be tied against it for punishment?

But Wood turned out to be a person, a burly fifth-year boy who came out of Flitwick's class looking confused.

They walked along a few more stairs, corridors and towers, walked to the top floor and Snape walked into a room smelling of incense,with a woman with giant glasses, making her eyes looks giant as well.

"Professor Trelawney. I'm sorry, but may I ask Flint to join me?" Snape asked.

"I knew you would ask that Severus. I also would let you know, that the answer is yes."
Camellia started laughing as she made a small joke, and whispered it to her uncle, who had to bite his tongue to keep his persona running.

"What's so funny?" A boy, around the same size as Wood, but one year younger grunted.

"No, it's nothing, just that Slytherin is Gryffindor's rival, and the Quidditch captains have names, Wood and Flint. No wonder Slytherin keeps winning."

Wood growled.

Flint snickered though. "Wood, Flint, I get it!" He laughed, patting Camellia on the back.

"Follow me" said Professor McGonagall, and they marched on up the corridor, Wood looking curiously at Harry, whilst Flint looked at Camellia.

"In here."

Professor McGonagall pointed them into a classroom that was empty except for Peeves, who was busy writing rude words on the blackboard.

"Out, Peeves!" she barked. Peeves threw the chalk into a bin, which clanged loudly, and he swooped around, cursing.

"Peeves? Shall I call the Bloody Baron?" Severus threatened, and the poltergeist flew out immediately.

Professor McGonagall slammed the door behind them and turned to face the students.

"Potter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood -- I've found you a Seeker." She smiled.

"Is that why she was talking about Quidditch and rivalry?" Harry finally understood.

"You're a bit dim aren't you?" Camellia's snark made the snakes laugh.

"And you're! You're just- ugh!"

"Aww? Cat caught your tongue? I can't see Isolt hanging around in your mouth anywhere though." She pretended to look for her pet cat.

"Shut up!" Camellia didn't stop teasing her brother until McGonagall coughed.

"Well, Wood?"

Wood's expression changed from puzzlement to delight.

"Are you serious, Professor?"

"Absolutely," said Professor McGonagall crisply. "The boy's a natural. I've never seen anything like it. Was that your first time on a broomstick, Potter?"

Harry nodded silently.

"He caught her after a fifty-foot dive," Professor McGonagall told Wood. "Didn't even scratch himself. Charlie Weasley couldn't have done it."

"That's where you're wrong professor. Harry didn't catch me. He tried to push me off my broom." Harry glared at her as McGonagall narrowed her eyes.

"Mr Potter is this true?"

"Well, you see professor... I thought Malfoy had stolen something of Seamus' turns out I was wrong, but then, I thought Camellia was the culprit, and I thought I'd hurt her just a little bit..."

"Mr Potter, pushing someone off a broom isn't a trivial matter! She could have died! Thank goodness she had a good ability in riding a broom! Or you would be facing expulsion young man! Forty points off Gryffindor!!" She yelled, her Scottish accent showing through and through.

"That is why Flint, I have found us a new seeker as well. Meet Camellia Riddle. Daughter of Tom Riddle. I assume you know him?" Flint gasped and nodded. He smiled brightly.

"Anyone who wins against the 'boy who lived' is welcome!"

The house teams divided their ways, when Camellia went to talk to professor McGonagall to talk about something. She heard her and her uncle talking, and listened in.

"You mustn't tell it to the world that she's Tom's daughter Severus!"

"They're going to find out sooner or later Minerva!"

"I will not allow it! It may be fine in the Snake's dorm, but not in front of my lions!"

"I understand Minerva. I'll be careful. Also, Camellia, come on out. We know you're there."

"Miss Riddle! My my... What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was just wondering, after talking about my cat, Isolt, if he was any particular breed?"

"I cannot tell you immediately, but I will tell you once I do. Talking of your pet, you must remember Camellia, of that muggle saying. 'Curiosity killed the cat'." She taught sternly, though there was warmth and kindness in her words.

"Thank you miss, but don't you think? That's why they have nine lives! Have a good day!" Camellia skipped off, leaving the teachers in deep thought. This girl certainly was very witty indeed.

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