Chapter Eight: The Boy Who Lived Meets The Girl Who Never Died

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The small family attracted a small amount of muggle attention, considering how one man had a trolly mounted with a giant trunk, one girl had a cat around her neck which seemed to change it's shade sometimes, though it wasn't obvious to their eyes. 

"Shall we continue onto platform nine and three quarters?" They walked over to the middle of platform nine and ten. Camellia felt a slight pull just as a black headed boy and a redheaded family disappeared into a pillar. She saw Ron, but her voice didn't reach them.

"Is that what we're going to be doing daddy?" Camellia asked her father who stood right next to her, manoeuvring her giant trolly like it was child's play.

"Yes dear. Don't be scared, or else it'll reject you." She held his hand and they both walked into the Piller, thankfully not breaking their noses as they did so.

They were greeted by a more cosy looking platform with the number plate, 9 3/4 hanging proudly above their heads. The platform was filled to the brim with parents and children. Some of the elder children playing with magic items such as non flammable fire crackers. The younger ones, well some were crying, some were overjoyed, some were desperately looking for their toads.

She recognised Neville's persona of which he was acting as under the public eye, where things could be reported to Albus.

"Where's Neville, Ron and Draco daddy?" She asked though she knew already.

"Find a family full of redheads first darling. Those will be the Weasley's. Red hair and hand-me-downs are the key features of the Weasley's. As well as freckles and blue eyes. You could be one of them really... Except for the hand-me-downs" Camellia smirked and ran up to the nearest redhead she could find, who just happened to be a lady in her mid fifties.

"Ginn... You're not Ginny are you. Who are you? You look like one of my children, but your eyes are brighter and more crystally..."

"Hello Miss! I'm Camellia Riddle!"

"Oh! Camellia! Lily and Tom's daughter aren't you! You're identical to your mother, but you have your f-"

"My father's eyes. I know. He's here you know." The woman smiled slightly. Tom Riddle was someone she admired. He was three years her junior, but age doesn't matter with admiration.

"Ah, hello Molly. Camellia, don't run off like that!" The mentioned man said as he walked through the crowd. The woman jumped slightly but calmed herself down and turned to face him. Camellia was now on his shoulders, and a tabby cat on her shoulders. The man was still very much handsome and fit, not an ounce of fat or flab visible, unlike her husband, but she loved her husband very much, and she brought her hand out.

"Long time no see Tom! I see you're doing well. How's the situation with Albus?" She whispered.

"Not well. Still haven't found Harry." The woman turned, surprised.

"Harry!? You mean Harry Potter!?"

"Potter... Well, technically yes, but he is my son. So Harry Riddle if you may."

"He was with us just a second ago! Oh you should have told me Tom! Or I would've brought him to you earlier!" Tom's eyes as well as his daughter's were saucers by the end.

"So that mop of black hair! The one with a bunch of red heads was Harry!!!" Camellia exclaimed. Now she understood that pull she felt.

"Yes, he didn't know how to get onto the platform. Well Camellia, you should get going, the train will be leaving unless than five minutes!"

Camellia faced her father and smiled. A silver stain ran past her cheek and she hugged her father's abdomen tightly. She would miss him...

"Love you daddy. And wish me luck for getting Harry back! I'll miss you lots!!" She hugged him tightly once more and he did so back. He pulled her up closer, and then gently put her down. The train hooted once, then twice.

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