Chapter Nine: The Journey From Platform Nine And Three-quarters

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"I'm Ron Weasley," Ron muttered. Camellia smiled.

"Harry Potter," said Harry.

"Are you really? I know all about you, of course I got a few extra books. for background reading, and you're in Modern Magical History and The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts and Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century."

"Am I?"

"Goodness, didn't you know, I'd have found out everything I could if it was me," said Hermione.

"Do either of you know what house you'll be in? I've been asking around, and I hope I'm in Gryffindor, it sounds by far the best; I hear Dumbledore himself was in it, but I suppose Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad.... Anyway, we'd better go and look for Neville's toad. You two had better change, you know, I expect we'll be there soon."

"I remember it! Hermione! I remember the spell! You know, the one I was talking about earlier!?" Camellia jumped up, nearly dropping Isolt who was fast asleep. He hissed at his master and changed colour to a deep red.

"What kind of a cat is that?"

"No need to be rude Ron! He's a perfectly suitable cat for a witch! Anyway. Ehem." She coughed deliberately and took out her wand.

"Accio Neville's toad!" She exclaimed, and certainly, a brownish green toad flew into her hand.

"Wow! Your amazing Camellia!!"

"Is that your name?" Harry asked.

"Yes. I'm Camellia Riddle." She looked hopeful for a second, but the light in his eyes disappeared a second later.

"Interesting name..."

"Well, I'm going to go give this to Neville. Coming Camellia?"

"Thanks, but I'll stay. I wanted to ask a few questions. It's not every day you get to meet a celebrity."

"Alright. See you Harry, Ron, Camellia."

"See you Hermione." Hermione left the cabin with the toad in hand, leaving the two boys and Camellia alone.

"Well, whichever house I'm in, I hope she isn't in it!"

"Hey! Hermione's perfectly nice! She's just slightly excited that's all! Anyway, which house do you think you'll be in?"

"Probably Gryffindor. My whole family was in it."

"I'm sorry, but what's a house?" He asked shyly. Camellia couldn't believe her ears! She thought that at least Dumbledore or even McGonagall taught him about Hogwarts. 

In truth, all McGonagall could teach Harry was basic Muggle knowledge such as Maths and English, and in disguise as well. Not an ounce of magic, and it was all because of Dumbledore. He wanted to show the world that Harry, the boy who lived could be great without the help of teaching.

Camellia and the boys talked about small things when three boys entered, and Camellia recognized the middle one at once: it was Draco. He smiled at Camellia gently, but sneered at Harry. His resentment for Dumbledore was great, and it wasn't because of his mother, it was simply because the girl he liked was betrayed by him, and her father, his hero, was made to run because of him.

Ron and Draco had to act in order for Harry to tell Dumbledore that Draco was bad, and the headmaster wouldn't grow suspicious.

"Is it true?" he said. "They're saying all down the train that Harry Potter's in this compartment. So it's you, is it?"

"Yes," said Harry. Camellia giggled slightly at the two boys behind Draco. They looked like bodyguards, and to Draco, were just a nuisance, but again, due to their image, had to be there. The Crabbe's and the Goyle's were on Dumbledore's side. Draco had it awfully. He couldn't be himself no matter what.

"Oh, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle," said the Draco carelessly, noticing where Camellia was looking. "And my name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

Ron gave a slight cough, which might have been hiding a snigger. Draco looked at him.

"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasley's have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford."

"You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

He held out his hand to shake Harry's, but Harry didn't take it.

"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks,"

"I'd be careful if I were you, Potter," he said slowly. "Unless you're a bit politer you'll go the same way as your parents. They didn't know what was good for them, either. You hang around with riffraff like the Weasley's, and it'll rub off on you."

Both Harry and Ron stood up. Camellia eyed Draco with a slight glare. He needn't go that far. Draco was disheartened slightly, but the smile which followed after gave him courage.

"Say that again," Ron said, his face as red as his hair.

"Oh, you're going to fight us, are you?" Malfoy sneered.

"Unless you get out now," said Harry, more bravely than he felt, because Crabbe and Goyle were a lot bigger than him or Ron.

"But we don't feel like leaving, do we, boys? We've eaten all our food and you still seem to have some."

Goyle reached toward the Chocolate Frogs next to Ron.

Ron sighed.

"Who're the poor ones now? You call us the ones who can't afford sweets, but look who's taking ours?" Draco would've smirked at Ron's comeback but had to stay in character.

Thankfully, Goyle was not as smart, and he tried to punch Ron, who swiftly dodged it.

Goyle and Crabbe left the cabin, the cowards they were, and Draco stayed for a few more seconds before Hermione came over. He slipped Camellia a note before leaving quickly.

"What has been going on?" she said, looking at the sweets all over the floor and Ron picking up Scabbers by his tail. He turned to Hermione.

"Can we help you with something?"

"You'd better hurry up and put your robes on, I've just been up to the front to ask the conductor, and he says we're nearly there. You haven't been fighting, have you? You'll be in trouble before we even get there!"

"Goyle's been fighting, not us," said Ron, scowling at her. "Would you mind leaving while we change?" Camellia got up, wanting to change into robes as well.

"All right -- I only came in here because people outside are behaving very childishly, racing up and down the corridors," said Hermione in a sniffy voice.

"And you've got dirt on your nose, by the way, did you know?"
Ron glared at her as she left.

Camellia shrugged. Perhaps Hermione was a little bit too bossy after all.

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