Chapter Twenty: A Small Adventure

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A few days after her detention, Camellia was walking back to her dorm when she heard a large 'thud' echoing through the corridors. She decided to investigate it just in case it was someone in trouble.
Surely enough, she heard a faint yell.

She ran through the corridors, up the stairs, past the portraits and by a few students, until she arrived by the third floor.

She tried to open the door, but it was bolt shut. She brought out her wand and the door was free.

Out came Harry, Seamus and Hermione. They all seemed to have had a mini-heart attack.

"Mione! What happened!?" She asked her best friend.

"Thr-three headed dog!!" She gasped out. Harry and Seamus stood up, dusting themselves, a tint of red on their ears.

She looked up to the mahogany door and took a breath.

"Alohamora." She told the automatically locked door. The door set free, she chanted once more.

"Lumos Maxima!" And there it was. A giant, very giant, massive dog with three heads instead of one. It didn't seem to like the sudden light in its face, and started to growl.

"A Cerberus breed! Woah! They're almost extinct you know?" Camellia started off with her boundless knowledge.

"They originated from ancient Greece and slowly spread across Europe. They are friendly animals once you learn their trust- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. page 36."

"Camellia! Now's not the time to be a human encyclopedia!!" Draco yelled.

"Draco! What are you doing here!?"

"We're here too you know?" Neville and Ron added sotto voce.

"GRRrrrrrrrrr" Camellia turned back to the creature, and started aiming spells at the beast, gentle ones, which only distracted it.

"Aguamenti! Epoximise! Stupefy!" She elegantly danced around the room, avoiding the flying claws of the monster.
The boys and Hermione were looking at the duel with awe.

Camellia then remembered. "A Cerberus dog... Their weakness was... Of course! Heracles defeated him by music!"

"Suonare Musica!" It was silent for the children, but to the dog, it sounded like music to its ears!

The dog fell asleep, and she smiled softly. Though whilst she was fighting, she didn't need to glance twice to see the trap door. Before anyone else saw it, she walked outside to the rest of the group and shut the door.

"No one speaks of this okay!? Or else we'll be losing a hundred points each!" She threatened and they all gulped. Camellia certainly was a good one to think of threats.

"Aren't you coming with us Mellia?" Ron asked, but she stayed behind, as if waiting for a friend. They understood and walked back to their dorm when Hermione came rushing over

"Camellia, Camellia!" Hermione called her over and they spoke in hushed voices. "Did you see the trap door?" She asked, and Camellia smiled at her best girl friend.

"Yep. Any idea what might be inside?"

"Well, Harry has been saying that he went to Gringots, and on his way to the Potter vault, Hagrid and he stopped at another vault to get a small parcel. He said it was too secret. Also, don't tell him I said that... I may or may not have been eavesdropping..." The Slytherin girl smiled at her Gryffindor friend.

"I have an idea as to what it might be. I'll tell you, umm day after tomorrow? so come to the library during lunch! Also, do you mind if my friends come along?"

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