Chapter Thirty: Truce

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"Detention!" she shouted. "And twenty points from Slytherin! Wandering around in the middle of the night, how dare you--"

"You don't understand, Professor. Harry Potter's coming -- he's got a dragon!"

"What utter rubbish! How dare you tell such lies! Come on -- I shall see Professor Snape about you, Malfoy!"

''He's telling the truth miss.'' Camellia's clear melodic voice rang through the corridor.

''Miss Riddle! I expected better from you! Out of bed at this time!?''

''Draco and I have permission to stay out. We were told to look out for Mr Potter and Mr Finnegan, as they seemed to have been talking about a dragon being let loose tonight.''

''From whom?''

''From Professor Snape and Professor Flitwick miss.''

''How do you know that they're here?''

''I do not miss. Though I do know for a fact that Harry has an invisibility cloak.'' Harry nearly gasped. How did she know!?


''Miss. Do you remember a long time ago, when James Potter and his friends would often prank others?''

''Obviously. I never caught them though...''

''In James Potter's possession was the invisibility cloak. Harry must've been given it during the holidays.''

''How can you tell he isn't here, listening to us right now?''

''I can't. Though I can do this.'' She raised her wand and transfigured a strand of her hair to look like a dead ferret. Draco gulped behind her for some reason.

Norbert suddenly jumped up, the smell of the ferret, calling him over. Norbert jumped up, and tore the cloak off of Seamus and Harry, jumping onto the ferret. Harry gasped. Seamus looked down, scared of their head of house.

''A dragon!!!'' Minerva nearly fell unconscious. She felt slightly feint, and thankfully, Draco caught her before gently resting her on the ground.

Norbert was happily chewing on the transfigured ferret, rubbing her head against Camellia's thigh. She liked this human.

''What were you thinking Potter! Finnegan! Twenty points from you each! To think that you would actually bring a dragon! Where did you even get it!?''

''She's not an it miss. Norberta is a she.'' Seamus looked at her incredulously.

''How can you tell? You've only seen him once!''

''Her Seamus. Her. Look at her tail. It only has two prongs. A male norwegian ridgeback should have at least five when they're this young. Whilst as they grow, they get more of these prongs, as a female grows, they lose their prongs. That's why Norberta's a she.''

''Why is she in this school in the first place!'' Minerva howled. Harry looked down. Camellia was such a goodie two shoes. She'll sell them for sure.

''Um, well, you see, it was all an accident. Ron, as a joke, sent his brother Charlie a letter during Christmas if he could get a fake dragon's egg. Charlie, thought he's surprise Ron by actually giving him a fake egg, as requested. Though it turns out that the egg was real, and Ron gave it to Hagrid for help. Hagrid thought he could raise it, and since Hagrid had some qualifications to raise a premature dragon, we thought we'd leave Norberta to him until Charlie got his friends to come to Hogwarts. Though Harry and his friends acted slightly rashly, and thought it was a good idea to do it without the teacher's permission, which I successfully got for each of us.'' Camellia explained a well rehearsed lie. The two boys looked at her with their jaws on the floor.

''And if I check with Hagrid, he'll agree yes?'' Minerva challenged.

''Of course miss.'' She said without missing a beat. Whilst this was going on, Ron, Neville and Hermione were at Hagrid's hut, successfully convincing him to tell the lie with them.

''Alright. Though I will have a word with Mr Weasley once he arrives.'' Her stern voice warned. Camellia felt slightly bad for her best friend's eldest brother. He was going to get an earful alright. 

They waited, Norberta still nuzzling her head against Camellia. About ten minutes later, four broomsticks came swooping down out of the darkness.

Charlie's friends were a cheery lot. Until they saw McGonagall. They all froze in their tracks, looking at the children looking guiltily back at them. 

''Long time no see Professor...''

''Don't you long time no see professor me! No wonder all you younger brothers always cause a ruckus! At least Ron was sensible enough! but the rest!'' She continued to ramble on, and Harry noticed how she didn't add Percy on the non-troublemaker-list. Even though he was Gryffindor prefect...

After a long hour of Nerberta playing with Camellia and Minerva scolding the older boys, the woman finally allowed them to go without further ado. 

They showed Camellia the harness they'd rigged up, so they could suspend Norbert between them. They all helped buckle Norbert safely into it and then they shook hands with the others and thanked them very much.

At last, Norberta was going... going... gone.

They all sighed, and Minerva pitched up again.

''You must consider yourself lucky Potter, Finnegan. Lucky, that Camellia saved your foolish actions. And Miss Riddle, don't spend your ability on convincing people on something as trivial as this. I'll let you go this time, but there won't be a second. Also, good work with your transfiguration. I'll be looking forward for your exam results.''

Seamus and Harry visibly calmed down, though their backs straightened when Minerva returned to confiscate the invisibility cloak. 

''I will be taking this! You may have it back in a month! And I am only giving it back because this is your heritage from your father. Now, off to bed! All of you!'' They all ran back down the spiral staircase, their hearts pounding with excitement. 

Now that Norberta was off them, they were free. No more dragon! Harry looked back at the girl, smiling softly. 

''Thank you Camellia. We're in your debt.''

''No problem Harry.'' They arrived to the ground floor, where three people were waiting. 

''How'd it go Cammie?'' Neville asked.

''Alright Nev, you?''

''Alright too. Hagrid agreed.''

''Wait, you made that all up!? While your friends were trying to make that lie real!?''

''Yeah. Though I think McGonagall found out, not that she said anything extra.''

Seamus looked at Camellia with a new light in his eyes, seeing this, Draco laced an arm around her shoulder protectively. Hermione giggling and Neville, Ron poking Draco didn't help with his blush, nor with Camellia's cluelessness. Harry felt a wave of over-protectiveness that he wasn't sure where it had come from. 

''Temporary truce?''

''Truce.'' Camellia and Harry shook hands, both trying to ignore the zap of electricity they felt between them.

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