Chapter Four: Reunion At Diagon Alley

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"Alright children. Are you ready to go to Diagon Alley?"

Four years had passed and to Albus' surprise, he found out that Minerva, deputy headmistress had sent out a letter to a Miss Camellia Riddle.

Minerva McGonagall was a secretive woman. Who had been discreetly checking upon the Dursley's and knew of the Riddles. She had helped with young Harry's education, even though she came to know over the years, that Albus had Harry under the Imperius Curse.

She made sure that this time, unlike the case with Petunia, that Camellia could attend Hogwarts.

Minerva had sent them a list of people they could trust, and it wasn't very long. She had also sent them all the clues she had found as to where Tom might be. 

~Trust worthy~

Malfoys- except Lucius Malfoy
Weasleys- except Percy Weasley


He was seen around Godric's Grave every year on the twins' birthday, leaving a new lily which grew healthy forever, every year. He was seen entering Malfoy manor many times, and has been entering the Leaky Cauldron, the Burrow, Ollivander's, Flourish and Blotts', as well as Gringotts. He has also been seen with a giant snake recently

Camellia read until the end of the clues and laughed. Nagini had reached her father after all. She had hoped that Nagini hadn't forgotten their promise. As if reading her mind, suddenly, a letter popped out of nowhere and camellia read that too. Inside were her father's words. 

Dear Camellia. 

I hope you are doing well. Well, I don't know what I should talk about, nor how to talk like a normal father talking to his daughter in a letter. If I had been there with you, I would've known all of that. What your favourite colour is, food is, how similar you are to either Lily or myself, who you took after when it came to personality, knowledge, all of that. I also would've known what to write about, because, well, I would've known you better

I heard from Nagini that she was sent to me from you Camellia, and that she wishes to tell me all about you. I forbade her. Not that I don't want to learn all about you, of course not! but if I were to picture you, I wish it to be after I see you, not described from someone else. If I were told about you, I wish it to be from you, and not someone else. 

It may be late, but I haven't given up on either Harry or you. So please, once you receive your Hogwarts letter, will you meet me at Flourish and Blotts'? I'm sure your aunt will tell you all about the place. And Petunia, my dear sister. Thank you so much for taking care of my daughter while I couldn't. Dudley and Vernon as well. I would love to have a chat with you. 

I wish for our reunion to be soon.
See you in two days. 

Lots of love, your father. 

The letter left the poor girl in tears, and the letter vanished, showing a picture of her father, and the photo moved.

The letter left the poor girl in tears, and the letter vanished, showing a picture of her father, and the photo moved

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"That's my dad?" Camellia asked, slightly worried that this was all a dream.

"Yes dear. That's your father. Tom Marvolo Riddle." After a few moments of silence, Camellia looked up and smiled, a single tear of joy running down her dimple.

"I like him!"

So there they were. The children and one of the child's parents walked into the Leaky Cauldron and went to the back of the pub, when one of them gasped.

"Look at her! The splitting image of Lily Riddle!" A woman in her mid thirties murmured, though it was quite a stage whisper because now the whole pub's attention was on them.

"I thought she was Lily Potter!" Someone yelled from the back. Petunia scowled at the man's name but sighed in relief when the same woman who recognised the Lily in Camellia, and said,

"Don't you remember Jane? She didn't marry James, she married Tom, Slytherin prefect!"

"Oh yeah! Completely forgot about that. Now there's a man of mystery. He was quite the charmer wasn't he Suzanne!"

Whilst the babble was going on, the Dursley's and Riddle walked off, and Petunia did the same hand movements she did so many years ago. The brick wall fell open, and all its grandeur was there to show its magnificence to the children and Vernon.

"Welcome. To Diagon Alley."

"Woah!!" The children exclaimed, though Melia suddenly stopped admiring the palace when she felt someone's eyes on her. The same piercing gaze which drilled into her brain each year.

"Aunt Petunia, what do we need to do first?" She acted shyly, pulling on Petunia's dress. She understood immediately and continued with the act.

"I don't know!" She snapped. "Why do we have to be here in the first place!?"

"Because we promised your sister." Vernon growled.

"And why do I have to listen to that freak of a sister!?" Petunia tasted regret as the words fell out of her mouth. The hand clutching her skirt ripped away, and the girl, her emotions heightened with all excitement, ran from her family, to the edge of the Alley.

Even though it was an act, just an act, Camellia took that comment to heart, since that was what all the girls at primary school called her.

She ran and ran until she reached an old fashioned bookshop, and sat in the corner, crying. Sobs wracking through her body as she breathed in and out, hyperventilating slightly.

"Are you alright? A kind voice asked and rubbed her shoulder. She tried to reply, but her sobs won't leave her throat so she settled with a small nod.

"Good choice for a place to cry. When I was young, my parents often fought, and I went to the Manor's library to just stay there, sometimes crying, sometimes comforted by the books. The house elves always complained how the books pages were wrinkled by my tears."

Camellia's sobs died down. The man's voice deep and soothing.

"I still cry too you know? My wife died after my children were born... on their first birthday... She was killed right in front of them, and I haven't met them since. One was taken away by the murderer, and the other was dropped off in front of my step sister's house. I'm meeting her for the first time today!"

"Sir. Not that I mind, why are you telling me all this?"

"Oh, just that your hair reminds me of my wife and... my... daughter..." Camellia looked up to find the man from the picture.

He had bright sparkling blue eyes, wore a prim and proper suit; tailored to fit him perfectly.

He was tall, but was crouched down to talk to her: a stranger who had been crying. A stranger who happened to be his long lost daughter.


"Camellia!!! Oh Camellia, darling. You look exactly like your mother... But wait a second," he touched her eyes and for a moment, they blurred, but after he took his palm off, her vision was clearer than ever.

"Daddy! What did you do?"

"Look for yourself darling." He transfigured one of the books into a mirror and she looked in, expecting to meet the eyes which were coloured dull brown and green, but were met with almost identical sky gem orbs as her father's.

"We had to cast a glamour to make it look like you were James's daughter as well. So that there were no associations with me, a serial killer."

"But you're not bad. You trusted a girl who was crying in a bookstore with a secret of your own, whilst the true murderer is out loose, spying on a girl who just ran from his sight." She thought for a second and gasped.

"I left Auntie and Uncle and Dudley!" Let's go daddy!"

And so 'Lord Voldemort' was dragged down Diagon Alley by a girl twenty years his junior, a smile gracing his lips.

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