Chapter Ten: The Sorting Hat

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"Firs' Years! Firs' Years over 'ere!" A giant man called as he waved a lantern above his head. Camellia tensed. Her father had told her about Hagrid, the half giant. One of the greatest supporters of Dumbledore.

Harry ran up to him and hugged his torso.

"Hullo Hagrid! How are you?"

"I'm doin' fine 'arry! 'ow was tha trip?"

"It was very nice. Never had that many sweets in my life!"

"Hey heh. Glad you liked it. Anyway, 'ave all tha firs' years gathered? Well, come on and follow me!" The ground trembled as the man walked and the children had to jog to catch up, and stay in line.

Camellia stood nearby Draco, near enough to talk to each other, but not close enough to look like they were on good terms. They talked of their families and hobbies, what magic affinity they had and so on. They got along very well,and after a few minutes, were told to get on a small boat with lanterns lighting each one. There was space for four on each, and Draco abandoned Crabbe and Goyle to be with Camellia, Ron and Neville.

"Shouldn't you be with Harry, Ron?" Draco asked.

"He sat with Hagrid. Said he wanted to talk to him about something. Anyways, how have you been? Draco, Neville?"

"All right Ron, you Draco?"

"Fine Neville fine. How're your parents?"

"Same old, same old. Never know when your friend's parents might be bad..."

"Yeah... The Finnegan's... Let's just hope Harry doesn't join his side..."

"Yeah. Well, on the bright side, Camellia's joined us!" Ron exclaimed and the said girl blushed.

"Let's all hope that we'll be in the same house..."

"Yeah. My parents don't mind which ever house I'm in." Ron said, surprising Draco.

"Really? Won't you be the odd one out though? All of your folks are Gryffindor's right?"

"Yeah. Not that I care if I'm sorted anywhere else."

"My grandmother doesn't care either." Neville commented.

"Lucky! My mum doesn't mind, but I've got that fake father..."

"You've got it worst... You need to act as someone else everywhere!" Camellia rubbed his arm and he nodded.

"It's not that bad, as long as I have at least one place where I can be myself..."

"Well, who'll be called out first by the sorting hat?"

"Me." Neville said.

"Wish for a house. A house we all have a potential in. Once Neville's sorted, then all of us wish for that house. Got it?" Ron explained his plan. It just had to work...

"Firs' years, follow me!" The boats came to a stop and the children did as they were told. They walked into the main entrance, entranced by the walls of history. They pooled out in front of two giant doors, where an old woman in emerald green robes awaited.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," said Professor McGonagall.

"The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room." She glanced at each student, her eyes remaining on Harry and Camellia a second longer than the rest.

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