Chapter Thirty-Six: The Duel

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Three days later, two days before the final day of school, Camellia and the others woke up in the hospital wing, sweets and gifts by their feet from their friends in their house and Potter's friends, along with a few secret gifts from Severus, McGonagall, Fred and George. 

They all gingerly got up, stretching their sore muscles, though Camellia noticed an absence. The absence of her twin.

Camellia stood up frantically, ignoring the numbing headache eating at her.

She ran to the exit, before being stopped by Madame Pomfrey. 

''What are you doing Miss Riddle!! You are a patient! You will not be leaving the hospital wing until I say you can! Oh my, what's wrong!? Does anything hurt!?'' She asked as Camellia broke down crying. 

''Not again... Not after you came back... He couldn't have... He couldn't have taken you again...'' 

She cried for the loss of her brother's memories, the loss of her brother's voice in her mind, the loss of his presence next to her, and lastly, the loss of the perfect chance to get him back forever. 

''He couldn't have... Not again.. Not right after I got you back... Not after I got you back...'' She continued to cry, even when she felt four pairs of arms wrap around her. All quivering slightly. 

"Be safe."

"Be strong."

And like a horrid curse had been lifted, she felt a presence at the entrance of the hospital wing.

Harry and Camellia stared at each other for a moment, frozen in time.

Camellia stood up rashly, and in a heated second, they ran at each other, colliding in the middle.

Gone was the golden glint in his eye. Gone was the pest called Albus Dumbledore. Back was her twin, forever more.


Harry, woke up at a very different place. Something gold was glinting just above him. The Snitch! He tried to catch it, but his arms were too heavy.

He blinked. It wasn't the Snitch at all. It was a pair of glasses. How strange.

He blinked again. The smiling face of Albus Dumbledore swam into view above him.

"Good afternoon, Harry," said Dumbledore.

Harry stared at him. The state transformed into a glare.

"What do you want more from me Albus?" He growled out.

"Direct aren't you? You get that from your mother you know? Your father was much more obedient."

"My father, no matter who may say, will always be Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"Will it now? Who says life will turn out the way you wish?"

"I say." A new voice rang. One comforting to his won, but threatening to an enemy.


"Tom. Long time no see."

"Harry, why don't you run off to the hospital wing. Dad and this wretch have something to talk about, besides I think Camellia's awake." He smiles, the wrinkles next to his eyes enhanced.

"You think I won't control him again?"

"I don't think so... No. I know so." Harry ran down the stairs to the common room, and ran past the fat lady's portrait. He slid past the stair cases, and ran to the hospital wing, and there she was.

She was bawling in the middle of the room. Her friends and Madam Pomfrey comforting her.

He entered the room, and she spring up, staring at him.

They collided.

Never will they be separated again.


Albus and Tom moved around the Gryffindor room in circles. Their hands itching for their wands.

"Hello Tom"

"Hello Albus."

"On a first name basis now are we? I remember the days when I was called Professor Dumbledore" he said with a reminiscent gaze.

"You lost that title the moment you manipulated your pawn to rape my wife."

"Now, now. Let's not jump to conclusions! I was merely a headmaster, cheering on young love."

"Young love that was encouraged by a slimy git. No wonder he resorted to rape." Albus' twinkle turned deadly.

"What do you want Tom? Revenge?"

"No. I want justice. You get fame and glory for being the evil puppeteer of this grand play where you play a wise old man. I get slandered for trying to be a good father and husband, his wife killed by said puppeteer."

"I only wished for what was best."

"Best for yourself."

"Some like yourself may say, but who will believe you? It's my word against yours."

"Ah, but you forget. You control the light world. I control the dark. Of course, without light, there is no shadow, but without the shadows, everything burns alive."

"Whatever you have planned. It won't work."

"Won't it? Let your puny mind believe that Albus."
Tom turned to the door to leave, but Albus began his attack.

Tom manifested a shield, and the curse bounced off. He quickly sent a binding charm, which was also sent away. The two equally strong wizards battled on and on. The tower crumbling around them, students gathering below, spectators to the duel. 

Tom and Albus landed on the ground after Tom used his well practiced flight charm, and flew aggressively with Albus clinging on.

Then they dropped to the ground, their wands falling away from their grip.

The two struggled to get up, having fallen ten feet from the ground.

In the end, it was Tom who got to his elder wand first, and sent a binding charm at Albus once more.

The ropes tied around him hard, and the ministry, in its haste arrived at the grounds.

Tom raised his arms in natural surrender, happy to have got justice from eleven years ago.

He saw his son and daughter in the crowd, trying to rush to their father, but McGonagall stopped them, and chose to accompany Tom, to be witness to the trial of Tom Marvolo Riddle.

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