Chapter Twenty-Two: Excellent Work

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''Well done Miss Riddle! An extra twenty points to Slytherin for an excellent piece of homework! An extra ten feet of parchment!'' She smiled with pride shining in her eyes. 

''Say Miss Riddle, may I ask for your audience after the lesson?'' Her small professor squeaked.

''Of course sir. Am I in trouble?''

''No no no! Far from in trouble my dear!'' She sighed as they all opened their books to begin the lesson. 

''So Miss Riddle. Can you answer truthfully when I ask you, how far have you gone with the textbook?''

''I've already finished it sir.''

''My! May I give you a simple test for it?''

''Of course.''

''Then, a simple water charm if you would.''

''Aguamenti.'' A spring of water gushed out of the tip of her wand. 

''Cleaning charm.''

''Scourgify.'' The mess the water created was gone.

''Can you do them without an incantation?'' he said jokingly.

Suddenly, water appeared like it had before, and it was cleaned again. 

''...Wandless?'' Now it was more of a dare. 

She tucked the wand into her sleeve and concentrated for a second. Water popped out of nowhere, as well as it being cleaned away.

''MY! MY! MY! Amazing Miss Riddle!!! Thirty points to Slytherin!! How did you do it?''

''I have a talented mother and father.'' She smiled fondly. 

''And now they have a talented daughter. I'm truly sorry that Lily was unable to see how you are today.'' Those words meant so much for her, and Fillius didn't even know. 

''Thank you sir. You don't know how important those words are to me.''

''You're very much welcome my dear. I have a preposition to make Camellia. I will allow you to borrow books on Charms for older years. Tell me once you think you understand it fully. If you pass the test like you did today, you will move up another year, though not by classes. You will stay with your friends, but you will do other work. Understood?''

''Yes sir. Thank you sir.''

''Also, I will make a written exam for you to complete, just as visible evidence. I'll send it to you by owl by tomorrow, so complete it in exam conditions.''

''Of course. I wish you a good morning sir.''

''Good morning to you too.'' Camellia walked away, and headed for her next lesson.

''Good morning Camellia. Any reason as to why you're late?''

''I'm sorry Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick wanted a word with me after the lesson and I'm afraid it took some time.''

''So if I send him an owl, he will give me the same response, yes?''

''Yes Miss.''

''Alright, sit down Miss Riddle. Though I also have to have a word with you after my lesson. Though it will take some time of your break. Do you have anything important to do during break?''

''No Miss.''

''Then it's settled. Everyone open their books to page twenty nine.''

''You wanted to speak with me?'' Camellia walked to the front desk. 

''The other day, after your detention, you transfigured the chair back into the toucan? Tell me how you did it.''

''I visualised what the chair wanted to be the most, besides, you transfigured it from a toucan in the beginning, I had a basic image in my head professor.''

''In one glance?''

''Well, I guess so.''

''Miss Riddle. I have prepared a test for you. I imagine Filius did the same to you?''

''Yes miss.''

''Well, good luck, you have the rest of break to complete it. Begin.'' 

Camellia first transfigured a strand of her hair into a quill, and her nail into an ink well and some blotting paper from her eyelash. To say Minerva was surprised would be an understatement. She was shocked beyond her wits. This was year seven work! To transfigure something into an object which didn't equal it's size! As well as make an ink well, which had to have usabel ink as well a the glass pot! Simply fascinating!

Camellia sped through the test, and five minutes in, it was done.

''I've finished miss.''

''Already! Well, as a final test, can you turn the items you transfigured back into its original state?''

''Yes miss.'' She twisted her wrist, wand in hand, and there it was, a nearly invisible piece of eyelash, a strand of ruby red hair, and a small bite of nail. 

''Wonderful! You may go off now. Also, you may tell your friends of what may be happening soon, though I wouldn't tell certain people who may have connections to You-Know-Who.'' She winked. Camellia nodded in understanding.

''Well, be prepared because I believe Severus has prepared something similar for you in your afternoon lessons. I just received an owl from Filius, and has told me the conditions in which he will be putting you for classes and work. I shall do the same once I've marked your test. Off you go then! Shoo!'' 

''Have a good day miss!'' 

''You too Miss Riddle.'' 

''Cam! Where were you! We were wondering where you were after McGonagall called you over!'' Draco rushed together with Neville, Ron and Hermione. 

''Well, it seems that I've been doing a little too well in my studies recently, so they've decided to move just my studies up a few years, so I'll be studying year two or three stuff with you guys, in the classroom. Though it's still just a maybe.''

''Well done Mellia!''

''This calls for a celebration!''

''No. It really doesn't...''

''Yes it does!''

''Family Discussion. Version minus Camellia.'' Hermione called out. 


''So, what are we going to do?''

''Give her stuff?''

''Nah, she doesn't like gifts very much, she's too humble, always giving, not taking.'' 

''Hmm... Food?''

''Yeah, might work?''

''What about a picnic?'' 

''Yup. Why not during lunch, after going to the library?''


''Family Discussion finish!!!'' 

''What were you guys going on about?''

''Nothing Camellia! Though shouldn't you be practising for your Quidditch games on Sunday? It's the day after tomorrow you know?''

''They said that I should get rest rather than try to do more work.''

''Good idea. Harry has been training every night, I need to help him with homework nearly every day!''

''Help him will you? unfortunately he got his birth-father's brains.'' 

''I will. Well, I'll be cheering for you, not Gryffindor.''

''Really! Thanks. You can pretend to be a Slytherin if you want. Borrow one of our scarfs, hide your head with a wooly hat, no one will know!'' Ron exclaimed. 

''I actually might do that! Thanks guys! Cam, can I borrow your stuff then?''


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