Chapter Six: Wands, Pets And The Manor

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"Tempus fugit cum erant 'habens fun" Ollivander whispered and focused on the six elements.

Elder wood, Phoenix feather, Acacia wood, Unicorn Hair, Fir wood and Dragon Heartstring. All were combined, and a wand was created. The woods curved and became one, trapping the core within it, it swirled and straightened, and formed a wand.

 The woods curved and became one, trapping the core within it, it swirled and straightened, and formed a wand

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Ollivander passed the newly made wand to Camellia who held it frightfully. Hoping that the wand wouldn't reject her like all the others did.

She touched the handle, and a warm feeling spread through her body, as if a missing part of her had come back. She smiled brightly and the men also smiled.

"Do you like it?"

"Very much! Thank you mister Ollivander!!"

"Your welcome my dear."

"How much Garrick?"

"Hmm, you got a wand with three cores, and three types of wood. Nine galleons and fifty sickles please." Tom gladly paid the price and the two left the store, surprised to see the shop back up in order once more. The piles of boxes all back in the shelves.

"Where to next daddy?"

"Next, we're getting you a pet. Thank you for Nagini by the way. She's a perfect match for me. What would you like to get?"

"Well, I wanted to get a cat. Cats are always with witches!! But I don't want to be an ordinary witch! So my cat isn't going to be an ordinary cat either!"

"Very well then!" Tom smiled lovingly at her. They entered a shop where cages were flying, placed, hanged and held, with all variations of every animal to be found.

Camellia ran to the cat section to find one cat turning it's back to her, whilst all others sniffed at her curiously. He was white as snow, but another second mater, it became pitch black, then a ginger tabby cat, then brown, then black with white spots. 

Camellia looked at the cat with fascination and the cat turned around, showing Camellia for the first time, a pair of eyes. Each a separate colour of emerald green and crystal blue. She gasped and giggled at him.

"I want to get him!" She exclaimed and Tom, who had been watching from afar agreed. There could be no better match for his daughter.

"Ten galleons including the cage and cat litter. He eats any type of human food." The owner stated, counting the money he received. He smiled at the girl and waved her off.

"We've already got your books, wand, pet, all that's left is... Your school robes!" Mellia jumped up and released the cat from his cage. He ran out and landed on her shoulders, where he turned pitch black, except for his paws which remained white, looking like he was wearing white socks. 

"What are you going to name him?"

"Hmmm... Isolt!!!"

"Good choice. Already reading the family history I see?"

"Yeah! She was Slytherin's heir and had his wand right!?"

"Yes. She's also the founder of Ilvermorny, the magical school in America. How do you like it? Isolt?" The cat barely yawned, but you could see his tail completely still, and unlike a dog, where a still tail means it's angry or sad, for a cat, that shows he's very happy.

"Aww he likes it. Is this the shop daddy?" They stopped in front an old store with mannequins and dresses shown in displays.

"Yes my dear. Come along now." They entered the shop to find another boy being measured for his robes. He had ruffled up platinum blond hair and silvery grey eyes. He smiled gently at the two new customers and sent a silent apology for taking so long.

"My my! Tom Riddle! I haven't seen you around for years! How is everything? Have you been reunited with your daughter? Don't worry. My husband isn't here." A woman with straight blonde hair and similar grey eyes said to Camellia's father.

"Nice to see you too Narcissa. Yes. This is my daughter Camellia. Come out darling." The girl who had been hiding behind her father's legs slowly inched out and stood before the woman. She bowed slightly and her red hair fell in front of her face. She looked up again to find the woman in tears.

"Oh, you look just like your mother. Except the eyes. You have your father's eyes. Your mother and I used to be best friends you know! My name's Narcissa Malfoy. The one being measured up their is Draco, my son." Camellia giggled at his name once more.

"I'm Camellia. Camellia Lily Riddle." Draco walked down from the measuring stage and brought out his hand.

"I heard my mother just say it, but I'm Draco Malfoy. Nice to meet you Camellia." She shook his hand, and dared not mention to her father that she felt a faint spark when she touched him. She walked up onto the stage and an old lady started measuring her arms, waist, height, legs, etcetera.

"Robes for what my dear?"

"Um, Hogwarts robes for first years."

"Ah, well, term starts in a week. Have fun my dear, and I hope that you'll enjoy Hogwarts to its fullest." She waved her wand and the black material cut, sewed, and folded itself into the Hogwarts uniform it was meant to be.

"Well, I have to find Lucius now. See you Tom, Camellia. Say goodbye Draco."

"Good to meet you sir. See you at Hogwarts or perhaps the train Camellia!"

"Bye bye Draco!! Have a nice day Narcissa!" Camellia waved and Tom simply nodded.

"It's time to go home. First we'll stop at Petunia's to get your stuff. Then we'll go to Riddle Manor."

"Riddle Manor!! Is that yours daddy!?"

"No. It's ours darling." Tom smiled and carried Camellia like a princess. He waved his wand and all of the luggage disappeared, appearing once more in the girl's bedroom to be. Isolt jumped onto Camellia's shoulder just as they apparated to Number four Privet Drive, Surrey.

"Oh Dudley! Aunty! Uncle! I'll miss you so much! Visit often okay!!??" Camellia cried as she left the Dursley doorstep, where she was abandoned all those years ago.

"You too Mellia! See you at Hogwarts!" Dudley said and hugged her tightly.

"See you at platform 9 and 3/4 Lia!" Petunia wiped her eyes and dabbed her handkerchief one final time before Camellia disappeared along with Tom and Isolt, the Manor awaiting it's young mistress.

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