Chapter Twelve: Slytherin

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"Follow me to the Slytherin Common room. It lies in the dungeons, and you need to push a particular scale of this sculpture, and say the password to the sculpture of the same snake. Remember this scale. The password is Anguis. Remember both of these facts, or you won't be able to enter the room until someone else comes or you remember. The password will change once a week, and it will be written on the notice board every week as well. Though remember to always push the scale first."

The Slytherin prefect instructed the first years and they entered a dimly lit room.

It was very roomy, with plenty of space. The couches were black shining leather, with portraits of past prefects and Salazar himself on the walls. Armour littered the place along with skeletons and if you looked up, there was glass, and the other side was the lake. Thus the reason it was lit through a green light. It almost looked like an aquarium.

"Girls and Boys share rooms, and each room can fill up to four people. We know that you will be reasonable enough not to do a thing foolish. And though our house head is kind, if anything out of bounds happen in these dorms, he will not resist to take away a thousand points. Understood?" The children nodded.

"You may never change your dorm mates for the rest of your stay here at Hogwarts, so prepare for it. No complaints will be heard of. If you are bullied, you're a Slytherin! Deal with it! And in the first place! You do not bully your own! Snakes are family! That is another thing Professor Snape is cares greatly about. Now, we expect you to do your utmost best. Good luck, and good night." The two prefects walked off and the children began deciding who to share rooms with. Draco, Neville, Ron and Camellia didn't hesitate, and took the comfiest room available.

They chose a room with two bunk beds.

There was a fireplace at the end, and a closet on the side. There were nameplates on the edge of each bed, and the children all jumped onto their chosen bed.

Camellia took the one on top, on the left, next to a window, and the name Camellia appeared on the nameplate.
Draco took the one below that, Ron on top of the other bed and Neville below that. Their luggage all appeared in their closets and their pets by their feet.

Isolt meowed and purred against Camellia's leg and landed on top of Draco's head. Camellia laughed and also jumped down, though not on Draco's head. Trevor croaked, and when Scabbers appeared, both Trevor and Isolt jumped. Trevor hid in Neville's pocket, and Isolt behind Camellia. Camellia looked at the rat suspiciously.

"Ron, who gave you this rat?"

"Percy..." Ron seemed to realise what was happening. Camellia pointed her wand at the fireplace, and it shimmered, showing her father.

"Mellia!! How are you!? Are you already at Hogwarts?"

"Yes! I was sorted into Slytherin daddy! As well as Draco, Neville and Ron!" Tom scowled slightly, and sent a murderous glare at the three boys behind her. He smiled once more at his daughter and the boys all laughed nervously. Camellia pointed her wand at Scabbers and he came shooting at her.

"Daddy, do you recognise this rat?" Camellia said, never actually touching it as it hovered next to her head.

"You! That's Peter Pettigrew! That sneaky bastard! I knew he wasn't dead!! Mellia darling! Can you please throw it in to the fire please? It won't burn, I promise. It will be sent to me."

"Alright daddy." Camellia, still using her wand, made the squirming rat fly through the fire, and over the fire they could see the rat grow, into a fat man with rat like features. Ron was astonished, but didn't look like he minded his rat being turned into a human.

"Ronald, would you mind if you never own a rat name Scabbers again?" Tom asked as he pointed his wand next to the man's neck.

"Nope. Do what you wish." Tom nodded and the man disappeared. Sent to the ministry, to get a trial to let Sirius free.

"I'm sorry my boy. I'll send you a pet if you wish."

"Thank you sir!" Tom smiled.

"Now, it's nearly ten! Get to bed! Good luck with school! And don't forget to explore! It's Friday, so you've got two whole days until classes start! Good night!"

"Good night daddy! Love you!"

"Good night Camellia. Take care of her, and good night Draco, Neville, Ronald." Tom's image disappeared from the fire and the children sat on the comfy couches, talking for some time before they went to bed, falling asleep almost instantaneously.

"Morning Camellia! Wakey wakey!!" Draco and the other two shook their lone female dorm mate awake at seven. The girl nearly fell off the bed if it weren't for the railing!

"Wha-? Oh! I'm in Hogwarts aren't I! Morning boys!" She replied. They each went to their wardrobes, got their more normal clothing compared to robes, and changed in turns in the bathroom. They headed off to the Great hall, sat down, unlike the Gryffindor's who were rowdy, and causing a ruckus, and started the first meal of the day.

The Weasley's were giving Ron the stink eye, though it was mainly Percy, the rest, i.e. Fred and George didn't really care. They actually  thought it was cool for their brother to be the only Slytherin amongst a houseful of Gryffindor's. 

Harry was sending a glare to Draco, and Hermione to Camellia. They ate jam on toast, sausages, mushrooms and Camellia's favourite, crumpets, ignoring the harmless glares coming  from the lions.

As she savoured her third crumpet, Professor Snape walked over, handing each of them their time tables for Monday. He stopped for a few seconds behind Draco, who was facing Camellia, staring at her face for a few moments.

"Um, are you Severus Snape by any chance?" Camellia asked. His features matched her aunt's descriptions perfectly. Black hair, dark shadowed eyes, pale skin and a sense of fashion similar to a bat's.

"Yes. Your head of house. How may I help you?" He sneered, though it seemed forced.

"I heard that you were a great friend to my mother, and that you... You're my uncle." She whispered, and Snape gasped. He took Camellia's hand, and she took Draco's, who took Neville's, who took Ron's. The long chain of people were off to the dungeons, near the dormitories, and also near his classroom.

"Your father, he still thinks of me as his brother?" Snape asked her.

"Yes. We were planning on inviting you over for Christmas this year!" Snape had tears in his eyes, and the four children smiled.

"I didn't know what to do! You're identical to Lily!" The rest of the morning was spent with Snape telling Camellia and the boys, the stories of Camellia's parents, how everything went wrong, and how to avoid Dumbledore. When it neared lunch, he let them go.

"Thank you professor Snape!"

"Please. Call me Severus, of course, only in private though!" The man smiled at the four, who tottered off, exploring every inch of the castle.

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