Chapter Three: The Truth Of History

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"That man. His name is Albus Dumbledore. In his perfect mind, he is the most powerful wizard, who has lived over a hundred years. He is the headmaster of the school I was talking about, Hogwarts. He has been offered to join the ministry to become Minister, but his ego does not allow it. He must stay humble, just, and the perfect leader everybody sees, and he himself sees to be. Though in truth, he's just a slimy old geezer who's lost all sense over the years! He didn't allow me to go to Hogwarts, even though I had magic, and I swear it was very clear. What sort of muggle goes around, floating up trees to help a balloon out a tree?

He then noticed Tom, Tom Riddle. Your father Camellia. Who was talented at nearly every subject. He drove Tom's adoptive brother, Severus to hate him, and slowly tried to destroy Tom mentally so that there was no threat against him.

Though thankfully, my sister, your mother, and your aunt, Lily Riddle, was there for him. As I think you can guess from her name, she became Tom's wife, and supported him in many ways that no one could count it's precise number. She lived a hidden life from the world, and was expecting you, Camellia. But then, James Potter. That resentful stag, and servant of Albus destroyed it all!

He disguised himself as Tom, and we later found out that she was going to give birth to twins, not just you. When you two were born, a month after Dudley, I visited you frequently, and noticed how you two were polar opposites. Harry, dark black unruly mop of hair and Lily's emerald green eyes, with the looks of his real father, and talent of course. Whilst you, you had ruby red hair, shining blue eyes which were bright as the sky, just like your father's. Your mother's spark of mind, emotion and personality, with your father's brightness in mind. You were the light and Harry was the shadow."

"Blue? My eyes are green and brown auntie."

"It wears a glamour that only your father can take off darling. Now, where was I? Oh yes.

Tom took Harry in of course, for his kindness was never ending. Though things were never the same in the Riddle household. Albus set out rumours that Lily was a Potter, and had married James, though many of us knew better. Tom set out to avenge his wife, and killed James within that week. He then went on and killed the Stag's friends. Though two out of all the Gryffindors of their year remained. The rest were gone, not killed but forgotten.

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin remained. Two of James's best friends. Never wanting to side with Albus, they stood side by side until the very end, when Sirius was sent to Azkaban for a foolish lie, and Remus expelled from London and Scotland, never to come back.

One day, Severus Snape, wanting to apologise to his brother and his brother's wife, decided to meet at Godric's Hollow. The choice of house was because no one thought that the cold blooded heir of Slytherin would stay at his arch nemesis town. 

Albus eavesdropped, and just before Severus arrived, he did instead, and attacked Lily. He tried to take you two, but when he tried to kill you, your mother jumped in and did one of the most complex shields a Charms master can muster. She turned her love into magical energy, covered you and Harry with it, and as if the spell had a price, she was killed by the killing curse. The spell backfired and now that devil has a permanent scar on his hand, slowly crippling him, devouring his power. He seized Harry, whom was sent away, and he decided to put you on our doorstep, believing that I was still an ignorant muggle who abhorred magic!'' 

Petunia took a breath and looked at her child and her sister's. She was almost the exact carbon copy of her passed sister, including the eyes, just for now.

''Every year, either on your birthday or your half birthday. He would follow us, and see whether you believe in magic or not. Magic only comes to those who believe, those who love magic to the core. If you didn't believe, you wouldn't have magic, and neither will you Dudley. That's what he wants. He made up a story that Tom, more known as Voldemort, was the one who broke into the house, killed Lily, you and tried to kill Harry, but Harry lived. Albus created his best pawn. A pawn to total fame, total power. The power of the deathly hallows. But that's a story for another day. That's why I ask you to pretend to hate us Cammie. so that he won't suspect. The reason why we must pretend to hate you. Why we can't pamper you with love. Well, I guess not pampering you has made you in to sensible young children who aren't fat, obey orders when reasonable, and learn to care for each other.'' 

''Now, are we going to have that picnic or not?'' Vernon added as he stopped driving and the family burst out laughing. They stopped abruptly when they saw Ms. Figg. A spy for Dumbledore who lived nearby. She smiled at them creepily and Camellia suddenly looked down, face sullen, looking like she would cry any second, but that if she did, she was going to get a good beating, 

Petunia made her face strict and void of emotions and let out her precious little Duddykins as he whined about ice cream. She slammed the car door shut just as Camellia tried to get out. Vernon circled from the other side and opened the door. He looked down at the girl, and a look of sympathy flashed in his eyes before she flinched and he grabbed her hand, dragging her inside as if hiding her from the world. 

That second Petunia put up her barriers and the rest sighed. Dudley shrunk his fat suit to match his body more. 

Camellia giggled and they both ran upstairs, whilst Vernon rambled about child geniuses and acting. Though Petunia knew. Though he grumbled, he was much too proud of them, to actually grumble. 

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