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      The next day, Adrien had a full schedule, but he didn't mind. He found that he was able to focus more during his piano, Chinese, and photoshoots. Adrien flew through his schedule, and even ended up with some free time. He was very happy all day, and Nathalie, the bodyguard, and even Gabriel noticed. Gabriel asked, "Nathalie, could you check on Adrien?"

      Nathalie hid a smile, nodding. "Yes sir." She walked closer, and heard talking. Adrien had been talking to Plagg, but they heard footsteps, so Adrien quietly ran to the foosball table and pretended to play with himself. Nathalie nodded and left the room.

      With a relieved sigh, Adrien sat on the sofa. "That was close!" he exclaimed quietly. He looked around for Plagg, but didn't see him. "Plagg?" he called. Adrien walked around and heard a noise come from a cabinet in his room. He walked over and opened it, to see Plagg eating cheese. Adrien closed the door, and returned to the table. He tossed the small ball around in his hands, thinking about the day he'd had. He'd had Chinese, fencing, and a photoshoot in the park. Something felt off, and it wasn't that he hadn't seen Marinette. He felt like something that was supposed to happen, but didn't happen yet. Then, A loud crash came from outside. "4 in a week?! Is that even possible?!" he cried. He opened the cabinet and transformed. He ran outside, noticing multiple animals running in the street. "Animan again? No..."

      He ran to the top of the Eiffel Tower to get a better view. Ladybug was already there. She seemed very focused, so Cat was very gentle when letting her know he was there. "Hi, LB." he said quietly.

      She whipped around as if he yelled her name in her ear. "C-Cat Noir! Oh, s-sorry, hello," she said nervously. Ladybug stammering? Around me? What's going on?

      Cat rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, have you figured out who got akumatized yet?"

      Ladybug was back to normal, and answered confidently. "Yes. See that wolf?" she asked, pointing. "He's the only one who talks!" she exclaimed.

      Cat Noir looked to where she was pointing. He saw a large wolf standing on 2 legs, and he seemed to be commanding the other animals. "He's huge! And he's wearing a collar! That must be where the akuma is!"

      Ladybug turned and smiled. "Good eye, Kitty. I mean- Cat Noir!" Cat was confused. She's called me Kitty before... Why did she change it? I mean, the only other person is.... Wait... Pigtails... Recent stammering... Could it be? Chat was suddenly hit with the idea that Marinette could be Ladybug.

      "Uh- yeah, thanks." Cat bit his lip nervously, not knowing what else to say.

      Ladybug watched him and tried to get his attention. "Cat Noir?"

      He shook himself out of his confusion. "Um, Let's just... defeat the akuma," he said quietly. Still concerned, the 2 of them went to the wolf. He was trying to attack random people in the streets.

      Ladybug stood on a lamppost and called, "Hey! I think you're barking up the wrong tree!" Cat turned his head and felt more confused than ever. A pun? Ladybug was beating herself up on the inside, because that wasn't something she'd normally do.

      Cat smiled and said, "Nice pun Ladybug! Now," He turned his head. "You."

      Cat turned to the wolf, and tried to grab the collar with the edge of his stick, but couldn't do it from far away. The wolf took a step forward. "I am Lupine. None of you will ever hurt me, or any of us ever again! Not even you," He said, pointing to a man in the streets, "You will never, I repeat- Never hurt us ever again! Now we'll be the ones to bring harm to you!" He slowly walked up to the man he pointed to earlier. Picking him up, He shouted to the crowds. "This is what happens when you betray those you claim to love. Never hurt them, and maybe the won't do this." He took the man and pulled him closer, and then he tightened his grip.

      Ladybug jumped and tied her yo-yo around Lupine's thumb. She pulled hard on the string, and the man fell out of Lupine's hand. Ladybug ran and caught him. "What happened, sir?" Ladybug asked.

      The man was still shocked, but managed, "Th-that's my dog! He was named Lucas! H-he bit someone, so I pulled him away by the collar and yelled a bit... He was always good, and I didn't know what else to do! I must have hurt him! I'm sorry Ladybug." Ladybug nodded and told him he had to take cover.

       Ladybug ran back over to Cat Noir and told him what the problem was. When he heard, the first question he asked was, "Dogs can get akumatized?" Ladybug just shrugged. It was harder to defeat a revenge ridden dog then they thought, and the fight lasted a long time. Ladybug finally got enough time to use her lucky charm. An oversized leash fell from the sky. Cat turned to look, and said, "Okay, let's wrap this up!" With a smile, Ladybug looked around to see what to do. A few things lit up, including Lupine's collar, Cat Noir, and a crooked lamppost. Ladybug slipped herself into the handle part of the leash. She threw the other end around the lamppost. She pulled back until it was tight, and ready to snap back.

      "Cat Noir! Cataclysm! Now!" she yelled, picking up her feet. She flew into the air, and Cat destroyed the lamppost, letting her fly into the air onto Lupine's back.

      She grabbed the leash, and attached it to Lupine's collar, while she was in it. He shook, and roared, but she didn't fall off, or out. She waited until the collar spun around, and she slammed her body into the button in order to release the collar. She ripped the collar, and began to cleanse the akuma. Cat Noir stood there watching, as he tried to compare Marinette and Ladybug. Both are smart, witty, kind, and if they were the same person, I'd be really happy. Could I really be that lucky? Eyes closed, he tried to compare their actions, personalities, and more. He was finally pulled from his reverie when he felt a pair of eyes set on him. Opening his eyes, and turning his head, he saw Ladybug, hand held up. "Pound it?" she asked with a smile.

       Nodding, he gave her a fist bump. "Pound it!"

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