When Akumas Strike...

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      After school the next day, Adrien took a walk to clear his head. He was a bit distracted, and was walking in circles. After a while, he finally felt better, but then a scream pierced the air. It was Marinette screaming. He transformed as soon as he could, and ran to where he heard her. A small group, including Alya surrounded her. They all backed up, hoping he would fix things. She lay there on the ground, passed out. Cat Noir couldn't believe his eyes. He gasped quietly, and took a step closer. Alya pulled out her camera when she saw he wasn't leaving. Marinette had been struck by an akuma. Cat fell to his knees and sat there next to her, shaking. She's so quiet. So still. Why wasn't I there? Will she ever wake up? He knew she was alive, but it was little consolation. His mind assumed the worse, and he blamed himself. He tried to pull himself together so he could track down the akuma, but he couldn't. The people surrounding them watched quietly. None of them had ever seen Cat Noir so broken down before. He usually recovered swiftly, knowing it would be okay. He gripped his sides, crying quietly. What if she's in a coma? "M-Marinette... I should've saved you," he managed between sobs. He acted like this for a while until he shook his head and picked her up. He carried her off to her house and laid her on the bed. He cried into his hands. I'm going to stay with her. If anything happened to her on my watch, I'd never forgive myself.

      He stayed with her for a long time. He held her hand. He cried. When she finally woke up an hour later, he hugged her. He spoke clearly, and he held her close. "Marinette! Please, don't scare me like that!" he cried.

      Marinette was surprised, and a bit disoriented. "What happened, Kitty?" she asked.

     Once he pulled away, still gripping her shoulders, he said, "There was an akuma. I found you knocked out on the ground. Wait. There's still an akuma!" he exclaimed, "I'm sorry Marinette, I have to go. I lov- er, I need to go." After he left, Marinette took a few seconds to process what just happened. Was he about to say what I think he was? She transformed and ran to save the day with Cat Noir.

      After they saved the day, Cat Noir was on pins and needles. He was the first one to leave after they sealed the mission with a fist bump. Ladybug saw where he was going. He was going to her house! "Bug out!" she said to the people watching, and she took a shortcut. She sat on the chaise, tired out from the battle. She waited for Cat Noir to arrive.

      Once he did, he scooped her up into his arms. Smiling, he said, "Hello, my purr-incess!"

      Marinette giggled, and she threw her arms around his shoulders. "Hi, Kitty."

      Cat Noir looked down to her, and felt he had something to say. "Um- Marinette," he started, putting her down, "I was really scared y'know. I really care about you. A-and all Parisians, but I was really worried. About you."

      She smiled. "I'm glad you care. I care about you too," she said. She got a text from Alya saying to meet her in the park. It was important. "Cat... I have to go. I'll see you later, though! I have a feeling," she said, waving goodbye.

      She walked to the park and saw Alya sitting on a bench, smiling. Everything seemed okay. She sat down. "What's up Alya?"

      Alya swung her around so she could show her something on her phone. "I didn't miss this akuma, and I think someone has a crush!" she exclaimed.

      Marinette was confused. "Who? Me?" she asked.

      "No, girl! It's on you! From Cat Noir!" she exclaimed. She showed her pictures of Cat Noir kneeling next to her, holding her hand, and crying.

      Then she showed a video. The recording showed Cat landing, and standing for a few seconds before dropping to his knees. He bent over, shaking, and then came Cat's voice, clear as day, "M-Marinette... I should've saved you. I should've been there. This is all my fault," he said, before breaking down in tears. Marinette put a hand to her mouth, in shock. Alya paused the video.

      "You were unconscious and I didn't know what to do, so when Cat Noir came, I thought it would be fine, but this happened," Alya finished.

      Marinette shook her head. "It was fine in the end. It's not like I died. Although, he was there when I woke up. He hugged me, and told me not to scare him," she said carefully.

      Alya grinned. "Yeah girl, he really likes you!" she exclaimed.

      Marinette stood. "Alya! He cares about all Parisians! I also thought he liked Ladybug. As far as I know, nobody else had been struck yet, so maybe he was just worried because someone got hurt while he was there!" she cried.

      Alya glared and said, "If it was just because someone got hit, why doesn't he act like this with every akuma? If that were the case, he wouldn't have spent 10 minutes crying. He would've gone off to save Paris. I'm tellin' you he likes you!"

      Marinette sat back down and said, "Maybe. I don't think he does. We have been spending more time together though." She sat back to consider this possibility.

      Cat Noir ran off to his house and sat onto the chair by his computer. When he transformed back into Adrien, he only thought of his princess. Plagg whirled around and said, "Adrien! What was that? What were you doing?!"

      Adrien didn't know what he was talking about. "When? What are you talking about?"

      Plagg rolled his eyes. "Earlier today! You were crying. You were completely out of control! Would it have been the same with someone else? Why Marinette?!" he yelled, "Why, Adrien?! Why?!"

       Adrien didn't know why, but he got angry. Why was Plagg being so pushy? He snapped, "Because I love her!" Once he said it, his anger melted, and he didn't know what to do.

       Plagg smiled. "That's all I needed to hear," he said, as he left to get some cheese. Adrien was still surprised that Plagg being pushy was all he needed to get it out. He loved her.

      Back with Marinette and Alya, Marinette finally spoke. "He called me his princess, Alya," she said, staring into space.

      Alya gasped. "His princess! He must like you, girl!" Alya exclaimed.

      Marinette smiled softly. "I never thought that the superhero, Cat Noir, would like me, Marinette. I'm just a normal girl," she said quietly.

      Alya quickly realized what just happened. "You like him back, don't you?" she asked.

      Marinette's eyes got big. "What?! No, of course not! You know I love Adrien! Not Cat!" she exclaimed.

      Alya looked over the top of her glasses. "Sure, girl. Believe that," she said. They both let out a much-needed laugh. They kept talking, and forgot all about it.


Author's Note:

I know this chapter was a bit exaggerated. Sorry about that, but well... Adrien is just starting to realize he's in love with her, and he's gone head over heels. I'm- well, if someone I love was laying on the ground in a random park, unconscious, I would freak out. Honestly, this whole story is exaggerated. 🤦‍♀️ Well, uh... Please enjoy! Hehe...

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