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      The next day at school, Adrien walked in circles, tracing shapes in the palm of his hand. He was extremely early, so he waited for his friends. He couldn't sleep for long last night, and he was a bit nervous. The first 2 to arrive were Alya and Marinette, and Alya pushed Marinette forward so she could record. "Uh- H-hi Adrien," she began.

      An overly excited and nervous Adrien cut her off. "H-hi Marinette! How are- no, uh, hello?" he tried. Marinette smiled, as he reminded her of herself. The fact he was stammering more than her made her feel more sure of herself.

      "S-so, how are you today?" she asked calmly.

     "G-good," Adrien replied.

     With a shy smile, she asked, "So... I was wondering... Would you go to the d-dance with me this week? Er- Weekend?"

     Adrien's face burned a bright red as he stammered, "W-w-well, I'd, uh... S-so, I would really love- er LIKE to see- go! I would gladly go with you." Without thinking, he took a step closer and kissed her hand. "Thank you, Purr- NO! Uh...Sorry," he said sheepishly, backing up. What's wrong with me?!

      Marinette was so surprised and happy, she didn't even realize what just happened. "Th-th-thank you A-Adrien, you just made me v-very happy."

      Marinette ran back around the corner and tackled Alya. "He said yes!" she exclaimed.

      Alya glared at her. "Yeah girl, and that's awesome, but that's not the only thing he said."

      Watching the video, Marinette gasped. She then rewound the video to when Adrien jumbled all his words. "I can't believe it... I was right," Marinette mumbled.

      Curious, Alya asked, "Right about what?"

      Covering for Adrien and herself, "I just realized... He might actually like me, yeah! If he didn't, he wouldn't  have said yes or been so nervous, right?"

      Alya blinked a few times, and said, "Yeah girl... Right."

      Thinking over the fact that Adrien was Cat Noir made Marinette both unsure, and happy. They're the same person... They're the same person... They're the same person. They're the same person! Alya was just as happy, because even though Marinette didn't know, Cat Noir had at least a crush on her, so that means Adrien probably did too! The 2 talked inside, while Nino came up to the steps. "Hey, dude! How are ya?" Nino asked.

      Adrien didn't answer for a moment, until he said, "She asked."

      Nino didn't understand, so he asked, "Who asked what?"

      Adrien leaned back onto the wall. "Marinette. She asked me to the dance!" he exclaimed with a smile.

      Nino gave Adrien a high-five. "Awesome!"

      As the school day went on, Marinette and Adrien occasionally exchanged glances, or waved to each other. Alya waited for something more exciting to happen, like a complete stammer conversation, or Adrien saying something to help her prove he's Cat to Marinette, but nothing happened. She couldn't find any proof. Maybe the clip was just nerves.

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