The Final Chapter

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       Marinette's smile faded. "I was just thinking about when Heartbreaker hit me," she said. "His powers were so strong. I was crying because I thought you... you were..." She trailed off, and tears escaped her eyes.

      Adrien squeezed her shoulder, and tried to calm her down. "Shh, it's okay. Don't cry. You don't have to-"

      She interrupted him and cried into his shoulder. "I thought you were dead..."

      Adrien gasped and pulled her closer. "It's okay. I'm right here, Princess. No need to cry," he said gently.

      She looked up and said, "Thank you, Adrien!"

      He wiped the tears from her eyes and whispered, "Any time," before kissing her forehead. She blushed, and smiled again. Adrien waited for the feeling he got when the mix of emotions was too strong. He didn't get dizzy. Not at all.

      He heard Marinette calling his name in the back of his mind, so he responded. "Y-yeah?"

      Marinette cocked her head. "Adrien, uh... I was asking if... we should go?" she said, gesturing to the nearly empty room.

      Adrien glanced around the room and wondered how everyone managed to leave in a few seconds. "Oh, uh- Y-yeah, we should go."

       Marinette looked up at Adrien, and wondered why she wasn't as nervous. Is it because I know he's Cat? Or has it been because we've been spending more time together..? No... It's because I finally figured it out. They walk back to her house. As Marinette turns to say goodbye, Adrien notices a few strands of hair came out of her pigtail. Being a simple cat, and a model as well, he tucked it behind her ear. Marinette met his eyes and giggled. Adrien couldn't help but smile back. "What?" he asked quietly. She pretended to tuck the strand of hair again, and he noticed what he did. "Oh, that?" he said sheepishly.

      Marinette nodded and replied, "It's okay, Adrien."

      He blushed, and said, "I had a lot of fun today."

      Marinette smiled back and replied, "Overall, I did too."

      Adrien smiled. "I'm glad... I love you, M'lady."

      Marinette blushed. "I love you too, Kitty."

      Adrien pulled her close and hugged her. "Goodnight, Marinette."

      Marinette smiled and said, "Goodnight, Adrien." The way she said his name made his heart skip a beat.

      He turned his head and kissed her on the cheek. He backed away and took a bow. "Until next time, M'lady."

      She replied, "Bye, Kitty." She stepped inside. Adrien went back to his house. Everything was perfect. They were happy, and they were both finally true to themselves.

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