A Dance?

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      The next day, Sunday, Marinette called Alya. "Hi Alya, I don't know what to do for the Girl's Choice Dance!"

      Alya laughed and said, "You're planning on asking Adrien out, right? Or... Luka?" Marinette walked in a circle and plopped down on her chaise. "Alya, Luka doesn't even go to our school! Even though I could invite him, I want to ask Adrien. Of course I'm asking Adrien... I just don't know when or how."

       Alya wanted to spill the secret that Cat liked her while they were on the topic, but she held it in. "Well, you could ask him at lunch. It's not like he sits really far away. Or you could slip a signed love poem into his bag," Alya suggested.

      Marinette stayed quiet for a moment, and confidently said, "I'll ask him right outside of school tomorrow. I'll ask him as soon as possible."

      Alya said, "That's my girl."

      After they spoke for a minute, they hung up. Marinette stood up and went through how she would ask if nothing went wrong. I'd say hi, and he'd say hi back... Then I would tell him he looks nice, and ease into it. No, if I tell him he looks nice, I might go on a stammering rampage! Then I'd never get to the asking part! But if I don't compliment him, I'd look weird for randomly asking! No matter what I do, I'll look like some insane dork-asaurus who he'll never dance with! Marinette spun on her heel and fell back onto the chaise. "Oh Tikki, what have I gotten myself into? Should I write a song? Design him something?"

      Tikki looked to her and sat in her hands. "Marinette, Adrien trusts you, and he might want to dance with you, and you just don't know it. Just ask him like you said, and do your best to control yourself." Tikki looked to the side thoughtfully. "As long as you don't avoid the subject, you'll be fine."

      Adrien was having a not-so similar conversation with Plagg. "Plagg, the dance is coming up," Adrien said simply.

      Plagg looked up from his cheese to talk. "So ask her out."

      Adrien shook his head, both to say no, and in surprise. "Plagg, it's the Girl's Choice Dance. That means I can't. She'd have to ask me, and-" he was cut off by his phone ringing. It was Lila! "Lila? Why is she calling me?" he asked himself. He picked up. "Hello?"

      Lila's voice came on the line, overly excited and loud. "Adrien! The dance is coming up, and I really wanted to know if you'd be my date?" Plagg could hear, and got worried. Adrien's a nice kid. I wonder if he'll say yes. Plagg secretly wanted Adrien and Marinette to dance together. Marinette was Ladybug, so there wasn't a problem, and he'd get to talk with Tikki.

      When Adrien replied, everyone had mixed feelings. "Well, uh- Lila... I don't dislike you, but I like someone else. Also, please don't lie to me to get me to change my mind. I'm sorry."

      Lila was hurt, but for the most part, angry. "Oh Adrien, please reconsider. I really want to dance with you. Also, if I didn't, I would be... Breaking my promise to Marinette," Lila said. Hearing Adrien gasp over the phone, Lila knew she pushed the right buttons.

     "M-Marinette?!" he shouted. "What did she- What did- how?" he cried out, flustered. He calmed himself down, and asked his question. "What did you promise her, Lila? And don't lie to me."

      Lila couldn't answer without lying, so she fell back to her pattern. "I promised her that I'd dance with you. She thinks you want her to dance with you, but she likes someone else. She told me she hates you. If I don't dance with you, it hurt her!" she said, a hint of anger in her tone.

      Her words stung, and he hurt thinking even for a second that Marinette hated him. However, he was smart enough to see through her lies. "I know she doesn't hate me. I also told you not to lie. And yet you did. You know what? Forget it. I can't be your date, and I don't think I ever will," he said angrily, hanging up.

      Plagg floated there with his jaw hanging open. "Uh... Adrien, wasn't that harsh?"

      Adrien pulled himself out of the trap Lila set, and replied, "Wow... Uh, yeah it was. I was kinda mean. I got really mad when she lied though. I hope I didn't hurt her feelings..."

      Lila sat on her bed, and threw her phone down. "I'm not going to be able to ruin her!" she shouted.

      Her mother rushed up, hearing her yell. "Are you okay?" her mother asked.

      Lila quickly said, "Of course! My boyfriend Adrien just told me something exciting, that's all!"

      Her mother easily believed her. "Okay, well I have yet another trip. You know where soup is! Bye!"

      Lila smiled sweetly and replied, "Bye Mom!" As her mother left, her smile slowly morphed into a sneer. "Maybe I should dance with that other boy. Juleka's brother? If Marinette likes him like she claims, this will hurt just as much," she said, before bursting out with a cackle.

      Marinette ran around her room, trying to find out how she'll ask Adrien. "Tikki! Help me!" she cried. She knew Tikki couldn't really help her, but she was full on panicking. What will I even wear at the actual dance?! How will I ask without going crazy?! Should I just sleep on it and I'll be calmer? Or would I be more panicked?! UGH! What am I going to do?! She went on like this all night. What if he doesn't even like me?! What's the point? But I really want to ask him... Fine! Okay, I'm gonna do it! Yeah! She went to sleep, ready for the next day.

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