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       The week flew by, and before anyone realized, it was time to get ready for the dance. Marinette had just finished her dress. It was pink with white spots, and she had some sparkles around the bottom. She let her hair down, and placed a small clip in it. She had sewn a secret pocket on the side for Tikki to hide in. Adrien came so they could walk to the school together. They would have ridden, except the school is very close to her house. Adrien stayed downstairs, and almost as soon as Adrien arrived, Marinette came down. As she came down, she asked, "Is this okay?"

      Adrien blushed slightly, and said, "Y-yeah. You look amazing."

      Marinette smiled, and replied, "Thank you, Adrien!"

      Over the week, they both managed to learn to stay calm, because they spent more time together. "Shall we go?" Adrien asked.

      "Sure!" Marinette exclaimed.

       When they arrived, they scanned the room to find their friends. Marinette pointed to Alya and Nino in the crowd, so they went over. They talked for a while, and enjoyed themselves. Then the dancing began. Adrien held Marinette close, and she was focused on the fact she was dancing with him. Alya was dancing with Nino across the room, and Nino asked, "Do we have to change anything?"

       Alya smiled, "I think they can handle it this time."

      Back with Marinette and Adrien, they were both happy. It reminded Marinette of when they were at Chloe's party and they danced like this. This was similar, but so much more special. Soon after, a loud scream came from far away. Exchanging glances, they both ran to the next empty room, and transformed. Running back, a boy was floating above the group. His eyes glowed blue and he had tear tracks running down his face. His voice came out a little broken, and everyone listened.

      "My name is Heartbreaker. I was promised a dance by the love of my life. Do you know what happened? Do you?! She lied to me and broke my heart! Now, you will pay. You all will pay!!" he shouted. He spun quickly and soared into the sky. He randomly shot light from his eyes. Ladybug and Cat Noir avoided them.

      Ladybug smiled and said, "Not today!" She jumped to avoid a light, but was struck with a fast one as she landed. Screaming, she fell to the ground.

      Cat fell to his knees and slid next to her. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Not again!" he cried. Ladybug opened her eyes, and a wave of relief washed over Cat, until he saw why. Her bluebell eyes glowed, and she started sobbing.

      Cat pulled her upright, and she kept crying. "Why? He didn't..." she mumbled.

      Cat hugged her. "It's okay, I'm right here! Don't cry, Ladybug!" he said.

      She just broke down more. "Cat Noir!" she cried, "Come back! Stay with me, please!"

      He held her hand. "I'm right here, Bugaboo! Don't cry." Cat fought back tears of his own as he tried to help her.

     "Cat! Please! I can't loose you..." She couldn't seem to hear him, or see him. Cat realized what Heartbreaker was up to, so he brought his attention back to the mission. He looked up and noticed a note in Heartbreaker's pocket, and knew what to do. He jumped down, and grabbed a small plastic jar that was on a table. He ran up a wall, and used his stick to hold himself up.

      Then, Heartbreaker got in Cat's head. Isn't this purr-fect? Ladybug's helpless, and you know you can't do this without her. You're just as helpless as she is! Why don't you just give me your Miraculous, and I set things back to normal? "I'm not giving up my Miraculous!" Cat exclaimed. Well then, looks like we're doing this the hard way. Cat gasped as he felt a sharp, stabbing pain in his chest, right by his heart. His head started spinning, and his vision blurred. So dizzy... His eyes watered in pain, and he couldn't think straight. He fell off his baton, and hit the ground hard. He felt the energy drain away from his body. So tired... He forced his eyes open, fighting to stay conscious. He felt weak, tired, and every muscle in his body screamed with agony. He knew it was Heartbreaker manipulating him, but he just wanted it all to stop. Struggling, he pushed up and stood, gripping his head. I... can't do it.

      "I can't! I won't!" he said in a strained whisper. Which one? Can't or won't? Your Bugaboo's in trouble! Won't you do anything to save her? "Get out of my head! Make it stop!" he cried desperately. Oh, I would, but I need your Miraculous. If you give me your Miraculous, I'll fix everything. I'll take the pain away. I'll help Ladybug too. All for the small price of your ring. I'll make everything... perfect again. Cat took a staggering step forward. All he wanted to do was say yes, and end this, but in his heart, he knew he couldn't take the easy road. He tried to think. He felt exhausted, and he had trouble connecting one thought to the next. He couldn't even remember what he was about to say. He looked up to Heartbreaker, but he was seeing double. He leaned on his baton to stay standing. People watched as their weakened hero spoke to the voice in his head. Cat tried to tune out the voice, but then he heard Ladybug sobbing. He bit his lip, knowing he couldn't give up his Miraculous. Then, he managed to come up with a plan. "Please make it stop," Cat whimpered. "Just take it." Heartbreaker smirked, and came down to the ground.

      "I see you've made your decision," Heartbreaker said in a low voice. "Yes," Cat replied, looking down. The whole room was tense. He moved his ring hand away from his baton. Quietly, Cat mumbled, "Cataclysm." Nobody heard him. His power activated, and instead of removing his ring, he destroyed the note in Heartbreaker's pocket. He then grabbed the jar, and he captured the akuma. Cat stood, waiting for the world to return into focus. Heartbreaker transformed back into an ordinary boy. The first thing he asked was, "What's wrong?" Everyone was staring at him, and Ladybug was crying. Cat looked around in panic. "I'll be right back, then I'll explain." He used all the strength he could to pick Ladybug up in his arms and leave.

      He went to where he had transformed, he detransformed and fed Plagg a purple magic cheese. That one can cleanse akumas and put everything back to normal. He transformed with it, and fixed everything. He detransformed into Adrien once he was done, and waited. As everything returned to normal, his head and heart synced up again, and the pain went away. Ladybug opened her eyes, and they weren't glowing. "A-Adrien? Are you really there?" she asked, voice shaking.

      He smiled. "Yes. I'm here."

      Ladybug smiled and hugged him. "I was so scared, and I thought you were- I couldn't control it! I'm so sorry, Kitty!" she cried. Then she gasped. "He got me, didn't he?" she asked.

       Nodding, Adrien said, "He did, but it's all okay now."

      Adrien fed Plagg some normal cheese, and walked back in with Ladybug. He explained everything to the boy, and then he and Ladybug left to transform back.

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