Connecting The Dots

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      Adrien leaned on his window and thought about Ladybug. He once again, tried to figure out her identity. He thought about her smile, and tried to figure out where he'd seen it before. He thought back to when he was with Marinette and they were talking at the park. Marinette had smiled, and he loved it. He thought so hard about the 2 smiles, trying hard to figure out if they were the same person. He thought to their laughs, their hair, their voices, just trying to connect the dots.

      He soon realized he was focusing so hard, he was analyzing them like he was a robot. With a sigh, he said, "I need to stop. If Marinette trusts me enough, one day she'll tell me. Or if Ladybug does." 

      Plagg rolled his eyes. "Finally! What's up with you?" he asked impatiently.

      Adrien didn't get mad, and he simply answered, "I just want to know the truth. I really care about Marinette, and if she is Ladybug, I want to know. I don't want to spy on her, and loose her trust, but if she tells me, I'll be happy." Plagg turned to get some cheese, but smiled to himself. He was actually proud.

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