The Project

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      The next day, Monday, he was walking, still confused from yesterday. He wasn't looking where he was going, and walked straight into Marinette and Alya. Alya backed up and started recording, knowing this would be good. Marinette jumped and said "A-Adrien! Nice to you too! Um, I mean- Nice to see you!"

      Adrien stood straight. "Marinette? O-oh- um, h-hi! Nice to see you! Wait- um- Nice to see you too," Adrien said, blushing, and a bit embarrassed. It was worse as Adrien than as Cat Noir! Alya wanted to see what would happen next, so she had them walk together and recorded them from behind. After a while, Marinette and Adrien's arms brushed. Marinette jumped, and Adrien froze, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath to calm down. He shouldn't have though. Marinette suddenly wondered if he and Cat Noir were one in the same. They continued walking and it happened again. This time, they broke into nervous laughter.

      When they got to class, everyone took their usual spots. Adrien heard Marinette's voice from behind, and jumped a little. Nino laughed and said, "Dude, someone's jumpy today."

      Adrien rested his head on his hand and said, "No, I'm not." He was a little distracted, trying to do anything other than think about Marinette. He managed to get through for a while, but in science, he allowed him to do think about her. The teacher asked them to choose partners for a project. Marinette, Chloe, and Lila all asked for Adrien, so Adrien had to choose. He easily picked Marinette, and only after he did, he realized he would have trouble focusing. He brushed it off, happy to be with her. Marinette had the exact same problem.

      "H-hello, Adrien."

      This time, Adrien managed to stay half-calm. "H-hi, Marinette."

      They went over to Marinette's house to work on the project. Adrien was forcing himself to be calm. Focus. Just focus on doing the project... With Marinette... Marinette was having a similar problem. Totally calm. Working on the project. Not thinking about Adrien, the house, the 3 kids, the hamster... They did however; manage to get some work done. After a while, their hands somehow found each other. Adrien jumped and pulled it back. He regretted it. Marinette pulled back and fell over. Adrien ran over, to make sure she was okay. Their faces were inches apart. Marinette looked up and whispered, "Adrien..." Adrien hadn't realized how close they were until she spoke.

       "I... Oh, s-sorry!" He backed up and stood. He helped her up. Marinette was a little confused as to what just happened. So was Adrien. They managed to get a little bit done before Adrien had to leave. He smiled and carefully said, "Bye, Marinette. I'll see you... Tomorrow, I guess."

      Marinette remembered that there was actually school the next day, and said, "Bye, A-Adrien."

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