Cat's First Date

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    Adrien woke up, and got ready early. He wanted to look his best for Marinette. He was ready, however, Plagg was still sleeping. He used Plagg's logic against him, by leaving an open box of camembert nearby. Plagg zoomed over and ate a piece. He then gave the closest thing to a thumbs-up a kwamii could give and yelled, "Ready!" Adrien transformed and went to Marinette's house.

      He stood in front of the bakery as Cat Noir, and paced a little. For some reason, even just talking to Marinette seemed overwhelming. Keep it together. She's your classmate and friend, nothing different. I'm fine. Here we go, He thought to himself. He knocked gently on the door. Marinette came to the door. "Hi, Ki- er, Cat Noir," She said with a giggle. Cat Noir bit his lip as his cheeks grew warm.

      He took a deep breath, smiled, and said, "H-hi, M-Marinette." She was confused: What was with the deep breath? And the stammering? Is he nervous? She wondered.

     "Come on in!" she said, letting him in.

      She sat at the table, and there was one empty seat next to her, just for Cat. Cat tried his best to calm down. He was sitting next to her, but how is that different from sitting in front of her? He couldn't remember the last time he was this nervous around her before yesterday! He shook those thoughts out of his mind. Marinette purposely brushed her arm against his, to see how he'd react. She wanted to see if she'd been imagining his nervousness earlier. 3... 2... 1! She reached across the table to grab something, but instead of grabbing it, she pretended to change her mind and she brushed his arm when she pulled back. Cat Noir sucked in a breath and went stiff for a few seconds. He then closed his eyes, took another deep breath, and calmed himself down. He opened his eyes, and he was no longer stiff. Yep. Definitely nervous. Something's up. But what? He's told me he loved Ladybug before, and he doesn't know I'm Ladybug. I stopped him from finding out! Now Marinette was nervous, but she managed calm down, though.

      Cat Noir was nervous, but he hid it very well. Unless Marinette did something. Like, anything. At all. When she started talking to him, it got worse. She whispered quietly, so only he could hear. "So, Cat Noir, how's saving Paris?"

      She- er. Okay, calm down. Let's go. "I-it's fine. Nothing bad t-today." I need to stop with the stammering.

      Marinette smiled and said, "That's good!" Their whisper conversation went on for a while, until Cat's nerves got the best of him.

      First he whispered, "Well- um, I like talking to you, and I like being here. With you." Uh-oh! I didn't want to say it like that!

      Marinette was confused, but kept talking, trying to sound like she loved him as more than a friend. "I like it with you here too."

      Cat Noir quickly found himself slightly panicky, and very excited. She- Yes! But how do I respond to that? I mean, she's not nervous! And I- Nope! Not doing that again. Uh- Here I go again. "I'm glad! I like you-, no- um I meant... uh... I like the... food." Not what I meant to say either. Marinette was confused. He sounded like her around Adrien!

      "Er- That's great!" She whispered. She then grabbed a croissant and started eating again, so she wouldn't have to talk. Cat grabbed one and ate it to stop himself from talking too.

      After breakfast, Marinette asked Cat to stay, and thinking it would make him want to leave more. Little did she know, he wanted to stay with her, spend as much time with her as possible. He smiled, and stayed. He liked the thrilled, happy, yet nervous feeling he felt. He'd felt it before, with Ladybug, but never to this extent. Soon, Marinette started talking again. "Cat Noir?" She asked, "Um, is it OK if I call you Kitty?"

      He smiled and said, "Yes! Of course! Er- I mean, sure." Marinette couldn't help but smile. His over-eagerness and excitement was funny to her.

      "Well, Kitty,  I have something to show you." Cat Noir agreed to see what it was.

       She then took him up to her room. He walked slowly, nervous he'd make a fool of himself. She had enough time to take down an extra Adrien picture, but she left the class photo. He walked in, and she grabbed her sketchbook to show him something. She was going to make a hoodie themed after his suit. He blushed hard and smiled at her. "I-I... You... um...Wow!" was all he could manage to say.

      She smiled. "Thanks, Kitty." Then, a loud crash came from outside. Somehow, Cat Noir didn't hear it. Luckily, Marinette did. "Sorry, Kitty. I've got to go do... something," she said. She then left to transform. Cat Noir sat there, a bit confused. Then, another loud crash came from outside. This time, Cat Noir heard it. He looked out the window to make sure nobody was going to grab him when he left. He saw the damage and realized that he must have missed something. He didn't have the time to think it through. He jumped out the window to save the day with Ladybug.

      Ladybug turned her head to see Cat Noir jump up next to her. "Where were you?" She asked. He got an awkward grin on his face.

      "I was with... her." His awkward grin changed to a loving, and gentle smile. Ladybug cocked her head.

      That's new. "Cat Noir! Focus!" she cried, clapping her hands.

      "Huh? Oh right. Let's get this guy!" he yelled back.

      Now Ladybug was a bit distracted. What's up with him? They still managed to defeat the akumatized person though. "Pound it?" Ladybug asked after the akuma battle. Cat Noir wasn't looking at her, or anywhere in particular. He seemed to be off in his own world, daydreaming. He shook his head, and they did their pound it.

      Soon after, Cat Noir said, "I-I uh... I gotta go." She saw he was headed straight towards her house! She took a shortcut and got there first. She transformed back and waited for him,

      "Cat Noir! You're safe!" She cried. She decided to really sell it, so she hugged him. He gasped quietly. He hugged her back, and held her close. When they let go, they sat and talked for a while, and soon he had to leave. If I act sad, maybe he won't come back. I don't hate him, I just don't love him! Marinette looked to him and said, "But, Kitty, couldn't you stay longer?" He stood there, speechless. As far as he knew, she wanted him to stay! His heart beat faster, and he needed to say something. He came closer and kissed her on the cheek.

      "Don't worry. Knowing us, I'll see you again. I purr-omise," he said.

      Marinette blushed, despite herself. She had to say something. "I'll be here when you do. I promise." He said goodbye and thank you and left, still wondering what was happening to him before and after the fight. It's like every time he thought of her, and everything they could do, he lost touch with reality. He was just daydreaming. He actually did it with Ladybug once. He, Ladybug, and everyone else was lucky it didn't happen while he was fighting. He jumped into his room. He was worried what would happen at school the next day.

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