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      The next day, Marinette put on her outfit. She wore a green t-shirt, jeans, and the hoodie. At school, she ran over to Alya. "Hey girl, rockin' the Cat Noir look, huh?" Alya said. "Yep!" Marinette exclaimed. "I just made the jacket yesterday!" Adrien was talking to Nino, so Marinette walked over. Nino nudged Adrien and gestured to Marinette, who was behind Adrien. Adrien turned around and blushed. "Y-you're... The... Jacket... The- um... You're amazing. No! I mean, not that you aren't, but the- um... Wow. Okay," he blurted out. "What I mean is, you look amazing. Did you make it?" Adrien asked.

      Marinette smiled. "Y-yes, I didn't. I mean, yes, I did!" Alya raised an eyebrow and smiled at the two of them.

      After school, Marinette and Adrien went over to her house to work on the project. It was the last day of school for the week, so they made sure to do it. After they were done, Adrien was supposed to be playing his piano, but he couldn't get the thought out of his head that something might happen to Marinette if he wasn't there. He had to go to her, even though he just left. "Plagg, Claws out!" Adrien exclaimed. After transforming, he put music into his speaker, so he wouldn't get caught. Now Cat Noir, he ran to Marinette's house. He saw her with her back to the window. She's okay! "Hey there, Purr-incess."

      Marinette turned around, still in her Cat Noir outfit. "Hi, Kitty. Oh um, how does this look?" she asked, gesturing to her outfit.

      Cat blushed, and calmly said, "It's the jacket! It looks good on you! Nice work!" He managed to prevent his stammering by forcing the Cat Noir, and to the next level. He was extra flirty, very confident, and perfectly calm.

      Marinette smiled. "Th-thank you Cat Noir." On the other hand, Marinette was beginning to feel more nervous around him. She was almost sure he was Adrien, so she couldn't help it.

      "So Purr-incess, what made you decide to make a jacket themed after me in the first place?" Cat asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

      Marinette couldn't tell him the reason. She wanted a jacket themed after a superhero, but she didn't want to make one themed after Ladybug, because it might give her away. "I... I just r-really like all the things you can do. The c-cataclysm and stuff. It's also getting colder, and I thought I could do it. Ladybug would be too easy s-so I tried it out. I'm glad you l-like it," she said.

       Cat smiled and said, "Of course I do," he said, taking out his baton to lean on. "You made it!" he exclaimed with a charming smile. Marinette blushed. She thanked him and inwardly laughed, knowing that she would blush, even if he wasn't Adrien. Cat Noir leaned on the baton, smiling.

      Marinette giggled. "Stay just like that, Kitty!" She pulled out her phone and took a picture.  She showed him, and asked, "How do I send one to your baton?"

      He got up and twirled it in his hands. "What's your phone number? If I text you on this, you could send it to me." Marinette smiled and told him. He texted her and got the picture.

      Cat Noir leaned closer to Marinette. "Thanks, my Purr-incess," Cat said softly, altering his voice to sound more confident.

      Marinette blushed. "Uh, n-no problem, Kitty," she said, placing a hand on his chest and gently pushing him away. Cat's changes and extra flirting couldn't have prevented what happened, but he blushed and felt the soft rumble coming from his chest. DANG IT, PLAGG!!! He backed up and shook his head. "Something wrong, Kitty?" asked Marinette. She was concerned. She took a step closer, so she could see his face.

       "W-what? N-no!" Cat exclaimed, turning away. It would have gone away, but he was embarrassed. He lost his balance, so he stood still, but turned away. The closer she got to him, the worse it got. His confidence flew out the window, and was replaced with nervousness, embarrassment, and a feeling he couldn't put his finger on. He stopped trying to hide it, and forced himself to be calm. When he turned, the blushing was obvious. His cheeks seared a bright red as he forced a calm smile.

      "Oh, Kitty," Marinette said gently, placing a hand on his cheek. "It's okay!" she said. She decided to make him feel better. "Do you want to watch a movie?" she asked, gesturing to her television.

      Cat calmed himself down and responded, "Sure. Maybe 1 mew-vie!" Marinette giggled at his pun and smiled. She pulled up the chairs she had and lined them up. They picked a movie together. The beginning was silly, and they both got over their nerves. After a while, the movie got tense and scary. Neither of them minded, because they faced real villains often. They enjoyed each other's company and watched. After the movie ended, they smiled to each other. "Thank you, Marinette. I'll see you later, I guess. Bye!" Cat said, as he left.

      "Bye, Kitty!" Marinette said with a sigh.

      Tikki popped out from her hiding place. "You know who that was, right?"

      Marinette turned to face her. "Cat Noir? Yeah, and he seemed to be acting weird. If you mean his identity, no," Marinette replied. "What about him?"

      Tikki sat on the table in front of Marinette and quietly said, "You both are changing."

      With a puzzled expression, Marinette cocked her head. "Changing how?" Tikki explained their destinies, and how being Miraculous holders entwined their fates.

      "For as long as there have been Ladybugs and Cat Noirs, each pair knew each other, and fell in love over time. I think it's happening to you," Tikki said seriously.

      Marinette was even more confused. "Wait, so the way Cat's been acting towards me as Marinette is based off of him having a Miraculous? And the feelings he has for Ladybug are all fake?" she asked, trying to understand.

       Tikki shook her head. "His feelings are real, and it may just be coincidental that the blind trust has had others go through the same thing, but it happened to all of them," Tikki said, now unsure. "Who says it's even blind trust?" Tikki continued.

       Marinette picked up Tikki. "Maybe it isn't! Maybe this pair won't fall in love!" Marinette said, sounding confident.

       Tikki smiled. "If you say so, Marinette!"

      Meanwhile, Adrien detransformed and turned off the speaker. Smiling, he played it perfectly by himself. Once he finished,Plagg gave a light applause and ate 2 pieces of cheese at lightning speed.Adrien got up and went over to his computers. He sat in the chair and spun a few times. "She was okay. We were together because she wanted me to stay!"

      Under his breath, Plagg muttered, "Here we go again." Adrien looked over to Plagg, who was eating another piece of cheese.

      "Don't worry, I won't start ranting. I'm just happy!" he said with a laugh.

     Plagg looked to the side and back at Adrien. "Yeah, right kid." The truth is, he didn't mean the ranting. He meant exactly what Tikki told Marinette. Plagg knew that Marinette was Ladybug, but he couldn't tell Adrien. He was glad his owner was happy, but he had to keep the secret.

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