XXIX. Untold words hurt the most

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The boys who's staying in their respective rooms went out after hearing a crash sound and a door banging in Yoongi's room. Jimin came at the scene first followed by others.

Jn: What happened here?

Jm: I don't know either hyung. I'm in the kitchen getting some water. I just saw him leave just now. Taehyung hurriedly went outside to see Suga but he's no longer at sight.

Jn: Ask the girls what's happening.

Rm: They're probably sleeping at this time.

Jk: Hyung, look! It's Yoongi hyung's phone.

The poor phone is now broken.

Hs: What happened to him?

V: Could it be what the girls said??

They all exchange worried looks.

Jn: We need to look for him first. It's dangerous if he's outside considering his current state. They all hurriedly went out to look for Suga.


Suga's POV

I went out to cool my head. 

It's absurd!

It's totally unreasonable!

How can she say it so easily?! Didn't she knew I care so much for her?? Didn't she had a clue I have been liking her ever since?! 

When I reach the lobby, I run hurriedly outside. I forgot to grab my jacket or mask but the hell I care! I run outside without any where to go to. I keep running until my legs can't run anymore. I crouched down in an alley where no one is walking around. There, I knelt and begin to sob. I feel like a child who lost his way. There, I exposed my broken self.

Yoongi... cry all you want now. Tomorrow, you have to come back and be the popular Suga they know.


The boys are having a hard time finding Suga. They searched all over the place and yet they can't even find even his shadow. They are contemplating whether to call the cops now and ask assistance. Their manager is still out looking for him too. To their dismay, it started to rain heavily too while Suga is still out of no where. Around 3 am, Suga finally comes back in their dorm drenched in water. The boys gathered around him;

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