LXVI. An Unofficial Third party

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Jihyo's POV

All the girls are excited today to meet the whole BTS members and Taec oppa for dinner. Tonight is also extra special for me because it's a dinner celebrating my relationship with Yoongi oppa. We excitedly plan out what to wear tonight. We wanted to look as good as possible but not over doing it just so we won't disappoint the boys. 

Sana and Nayeon unnie helped me pick what to wear. They wanted me to look the best tonight and possibly the prettiest since the celebration is for me and Yoongi. Me and Jeong unnie is also thinking to bake some cookies for everyone because you know.. we can't cook much 😂🤣 We bought the ingredients ahead of time so we can start baking early.

Two hours before our agreed meeting time, the girls starts to prepare. The cookies we bake is almost done as well. We only need to wait for the cookies to be fully bake and wrap it nicely after cooling down. When its Sana's turn to use the bathroom, she unfortunately slipped. We heard a loud thud and cries of pain after. Together with the girls, we hurriedly went after her. Sana is still down in the floor soothing his hips, a pained look is still written all over her face. We help her stand up carefully and brought her out of the bathroom.

"Maybe someone can use the bathroom first. Let me just rest a bit."

She said. The way she looks seems she's in a lot of pain, I can't help but worry.

"Sana, let's help you get change. I'll bring you to hospital, we need to have you checked."

"No need Ji, I just need to rest for a moment and probably a cold compress. I'll be fine in no time."

"No, we can't be sure. Better safe than sorry Sana. We can't afford you to have fractured hips, let's go."

"Then let me come with her instead, Jihyo."

Says Nayeon unnie. I know she's equally concern for Sana however, I wanted to be the one whose in Sana's side to ensure her safety.

"It's okay unnie, you take charge of the kids instead. We'll be back soon enough."

"Then I'll come with you two and no buts Ji. Come on, let's help Sana get change first."

Honestly, I feel relieved having Jeong unnie with me. She is calm at times like this. Nayeon unnie on the other hand, should make the kids feel at ease. That's why I'm thinking that it's better for her to stay with them. Someone already called our manager to help us drive to the hospital. I also get change in a pair of jeans and black loose shirt. I only tied my hair in a ponytail and soon, we hit the road to get Sana checked up.

Sana kept telling me that it is unnecessary since she didn't hurt her self much and that she's fine already. However, I don't want to take any risk. As part of a girl group, we always exhausts ourselves in dance practices and other physical activities. I don't want her to suffer in a latter time and so as a leader, I need to do this much for our member. But I must admit, I'm also worried about the dinner.

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