LIV. Aftermath

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Suga's POV

Jihyo's manager called me saying she'll be a little late 'cause she's with Jaebum. He stops me from coming over and told me it won't be long. But that doesn't soothe my restlessness. If its Jaebum then I won't relax, I can't. The guy is always waiting for his chance and I won't give him that.

I arrived at their location. I instantly find her manager and went to him to ask for Jihyo. He's a bit surprise but nevertheless points out where Jihyo and Jaebum was. I made my way to them...

Jb: I thought maybe it wasn't too late yet. I tried making my moves on you. *faint smirk* Trying to win your attention. *hold Jihyo's face* But I guess I cannot change your mind anymore?

I smirk, I knew it. He'll bite any chance he saw. There's no way Jihyo will be swayed by that cool act of his. I look at Jihyo waiting for her smart response but to my dismay, my girlfriend looks like contemplating.

What the heck???

It halts me to my feet. I feel a bit dizzy, is she faltering? That bastard is holding her face as if he owns her but she's not budging at all. Her eyes starts to swell up too; making her eyes sparkle.

Jh: Oppa...

Jb: Can I still hope Jihyo?

I felt a huge lamp on my throat. I want to intervene and make them recognize my presence. But at the same time, I wonder how Jihyo will react. I was nailed in my position, wearing my heart upon my sleeves.

Jh: Jaebum oppa... *takes off his hands to her face* It's hard for me to say this but... I love Yoongi.

Her tears run down her face. She looks hurt, breaking his heart hurts her. My angel is hurting for someone else and that made me want to give her comfort. My feet starts to walk towards them; as if it has its own brains.

Yg: Jihyo...

The two spun their head towards me. Jihyo's tears even dance in the wind for the sudden move like crystals, eyes wider than usual.

Yg: I'm sorry to intervene. But I can't help it after seeing her cry.

Jh: Oppa, let me explain.

I shook my head, maybe she thought I'm misunderstanding something. I gave her a reassuring smile.

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