LXXIII. The Fan and The Lover

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Twice will have a CF shoot for a coffee brand. They were supposed to be in pairs with male models however Jihyo's partner is different.

It's Yudai Chiba!!

The director suddenly change castings after the two got viral in Japan. The scene has slightly got change too.

Jihyo and Yudai will act like a couple in a cold war. Yudai will make amends by giving her favorite coffee. It won't work at first then he'll tease her by pretending to have a sip of the coffee and enjoying it. Then Jihyo will take it away from him and help herself to drink. Then they will end their petty quarrel and act sweet again.

The two ended filming their part and now waiting for other couples to be finish. Jihyo is sitting alone drinking her bottled water when Yudai approach him.

"Is it okay for me to sit here?"

"Of course senpai. Go ahead."

"Thanks Jihyo. You look really good in your dress."

"Oh! Thank you. You too, you look really good too."

They ended laughing at their awkward situation.

"Uhm... So I heard you got a boyfriend? Is it true?"

"Oh! Uhm... yes I do."

"Is he nice?"

"He is. He is very kind, a fine man."

"Nice to hear it... as a fan. I hope it didn't bother him when our photo went viral."

Jihyo laugh remembering how Namjoon describe the sulking Yoongi.

"Maybe a little? But it's okay. Oppa and I are always in good terms 😁"

"Oh! Then, he'll get bother more after he watch our CF now."

"Hahaha... then I guess I have to let him know about it. Don't worry senpai, it should be fine."

"I'm glad to hear the confidence in your voice. You both seems to trust each other which is really good. Keep it up. Tell him I'm just really a fan okay?"

"I will, thank you."

When the actor left, Jihyo can't help but to act giddy. She can't hide her blush too. Her crush just spoke to her. How lucky she can be?? 

Not just it, he also gave him a present. It's a cute plush toy which he said looks like her-- obviously a jiggly puff plushie. In return, he asked for a signature in a CD he just bought.

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