21. The Talk

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- How do you want to do this ? Do you have some questions you would like to ask me ? Do you want me to start explaining some things ? Severus asked

- Start your lecture, Dad , Nathan replied but he was smiling.

- Ok, then . Well you will soon be 11. Puberty mostly starts around 13, but you have some signs before the "official start". Sometimes it starts earlier. And to be honest, I think that you will start earlier. I will ask you some questions and you have to be honest with me, because it will be the best way for you to understand not only what is happening but also what is going to happen. ok ?

Nathan nodded and Severus continued.

- First of all, when puberty hits, the voice will change. Your voice will start getting deeper, like an adult's. You will also start growing hair on your face, on your chest, on your pubic area. You will have more strength and you will also start to feel more aggressive. These are all natural due to the hormones. You will grow even more and especially your feet, your hands, your back and your genitals will get bigger.

You might also start sweating more and maybe smelling more. Therefore, hygiene shall be your top priority.

You will start noticing girls in a way that you haven't noticed before and your body will correspond in a different way towards them too.

You might also notice your erections now. Especially in the morning , in the shower , if you feel the urge to use the bathroom. When your genitals have matured enough, you will start producing semen. That means that you will experience wet dreams. You will also feel the need to relieve yourself.

You might even feel the need to come closer to a girl, but this is another chapter and we will discuss it in the near future. Does any of this sound familiar, Nathan ? he asked his son.

- I think so. Nathan replied.

- Maybe you should start asking questions then ? his father proposed.

- Well , I have a pretty weird question to make. Nathan said.

- Ok , let's hear it.

- How will I become when I have reached adulthood ? I mean as a picture. I have never seen a man naked in my life.

Severus thought that for a moment. Nathan was right. He had never seen any adult naked. Not even a man. He had never seen his father fully naked, only shirtless and for very limited times. He had no idea how a man actually looked like. He felt very bad. If Nathan was younger, it would be easier to share a moment in the shower, but now, he could not just get fully naked in front of his own son. It did not feel right. Maybe he could show him some pictures from other men ? Get a porn magazine and show him ? But again, it could shock Nathan and it could also lead him to think that men have engorged penises.

- You are right. Due to the circumstances, we never shared a moment naked like most Dads do with their sons when they are little. I will fully undress so you can take a quick look then.

He quickly undressed and stood before his son fully naked.

Nathan could not help but stare at his father's body. It was impressive. Especially the groin area.

Severus dressed again and continued :

- Now it is the time for questions, right ?

Nathan nodded.

- Your body is impressive Dad. Will mine be like yours ?

- Most probable yes, his Dad answered.

- My penis is much smaller than yours, though. Will it catch up ?

- I haven't seen you naked for more than 2 years, so I don't know what is your size. You have good genes though.

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