45. Severus, where are you?

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Bella couldn't sleep alone, so she slept with her brother on their parents' bed.

They were both exhausted, so despite their grief, they didn't manage to resist sleep.

Draco was deeply worried for not having found Severus yet. He had also sent a Patronus and so did Astoria.

The only good thing about the whole situation was the fact that they could occupy their mind with something else than their son's death. They denied to say the name of Charlotte, though, because it also created huge pain to lose a close friend.

- Draco, why ?

Draco looked at Astoria. She continued:

- What have we done to pay such a price ? What has Severus done to pay such price ? Nathan ? His whole life is wrapped up with pain. Bella

Draco nodded and wiped the silent tears with his hand.

- Astoria, I need to discuss something with you. It is serious. It is essential.

- Yes, my love, what is it ?

- If we fail to spot Severus or if he is .. he is also you know

Astoria nodded .

- Would you agree to raise the kids ? We ? I am Nathan's godfather after all and if both their parents are dead, I have every right to claim custody. They can't deny it like they did when Severus was in prison.

- Say no more, Draco. Of course I agree and I will fully support your decision.

- Thank you, he said and placed a kiss on her lips.

- Do you really think that something must be wrong with Severus as well ?

- We have failed to contact him, so yes... I begin to worry.

- Perhaps we should rest, as well, Draco. We need our strength.

- Tomorrow the autopsy will be performed. But not in the Muggle Hospital of Dubrovnki. Earlier, I have received a reply that they have accepted to transfer the corpse without autopsy. Her body will be in St. Mungo's by tomorrow night. The Healers will check what went wrong. And then we may arrange to declare it to the newspapers. I hope Severus will be spotted before that. We will also have to arrange her funeral.

- I know, she nodded but then she panicked: Oh my God! Draco! We haven't told Dumbledore nor Minerva! We should contact them!

- Shit! You are right ! How could we forget it ?

Astoria sent her Patronus to Albus, who along with Minerva floo'd immediately to Snape's House.

Draco explained everything from the start.

- Would you like to stay here Albus ?

- We will! Minerva answered.

They all went to bed making sure to set an alarm clock early in the morning. They had to find Severus.


Draco woke up much sooner than the alarm clock. He went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and cursed the Snapes for not having house elves.

He had just served himself when Albus appeared.

- You woke up early, my boy. Any news from Severus ?

- Nothing. Nothing Albus. I begin to worry that he might have been somewhere injured or worse

- Don't. Let's be optimistic. We need to support the kids.

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