28. Christmas and Conversations

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Severus had kept his promise towards his son and he was teaching him slowly but steadily the Dark Arts. Nathan was very talented and his thinking was adjusting greatly in creating Dark Magic, something that Severus was a bit concerned. He was right to take his son under his wings. His potential was enormous. He could easily become the next Dark Lord if not guided correctly. Love and compassion were important attributes that Severus used to talk about , in order to make his son understand that there are more important things than power.

Christmas was approaching and Nathan chose to ask his father for a very special yet personal gift.

- Dad, I want to ask you something for Christmas.

- A present, you mean ? Severus asked.

- A present , yes. From you. he replied.

- What is it Nathan ?

- I want you to take 3 days leave prior to Christmas and take me somewhere special. Just the two of us.

Severus could not hide his surprise.

- I have to discuss it with you Mom too, but I don't see why not.

Nathan grinned widely. He wanted to spend some time with his Dad, alone. As father and son.

Charlotte had agreed, of course, so Severus took Nathan and apparated to their cottage in Shetlands.

- Dad, it's freezing!!!! How come you chose to bring us here ? Nathan complained.

- As soon as we start the fire, it won't be freezing any more. Stop complaining. You asked me to enjoy 3 days alone, didn't you ? Severus fought back cupping his son's frozen cheek.

They were settled within 30 minutes. The house got warm and it had start snowing outside. It was charming.

- Do you mind if I go and take a bath , Dad ?

- Sure, but don't you prefer to join the hot jacuzzi with me and chat ? I'll serve us warm egg nog.

- Dad, you are the best! I would love to! his son proposed.

Severus prepared the jacuzzi an served them the egg nog in cups.

Nathan was a bit reluctant whether or not he would keep his underwear on, but he decided not to. He just turned his back and entered the jacuzzi.

Severus copied him and soon they were enjoying the hot tub with the scented fumes and the exquisite egg nog.

- I have missed you, you know, his son admitted.

- You see me every day, how is it possible to miss me ? his father inquired.

Nathan remained silent and sipped a bit of his egg nog.

- I am becoming a man, Nathan decided to change the subject.

- You are not even considered a teenager. You have grown and yes you are entering puberty, but you have a lot until you fully become a man, his father explained.

- How was when you were a teenager ? he asked his father

- It was quite hard, because my parents were not really there for me. My father was a muggle and he was considering me a freak, actually. Every single thing I learned was coming either from my own experience or from Lucius. And I must confess that it was very stressful to go through all these changes and having absolutely no clue of what was happening in my own body and mind.

- Sometimes I feel very awkward, Nathan admitted.

- It is natural, Nathan, his father reassured him.

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