26. Defense against the Dark Arts

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The term had officially started. Only 4 students were put in Slytherin House this year.

The New DADA Professor was appointed by the Ministry of Magic, Professor Powell. He had arrived from the United States, although his origins were English.

Nathan's favourite class was of course Potions, but much like his father, he was allured by the Dark Arts as well. He knew that his father was against any form of Dark Arts education apart from Defense, especially for his children, so he never brought up the subject in front of his Dad.

But when he had spare time, he would go to the Library and study the Dark Arts.

He was pretty good at them and he had also try to invent new spells, but without any result yet.

Prof. Powell 's first class was really fun. He made them defend themselves against their worst fears, using a bogart to trigger his students, much like late Prof. Lupin had done in the past.

Nathan's bogart turned to his father stating that he would not love him any more and that he was a failure and he would send him back to the Orphanage.

His classmates were dumbfounded at the bogart's revelation. Nathan tried very hard to concentrate and turn his bogart to a canary with a small black wig on his tiny head.

Naturally, many questions had arisen from his friends, including Devon , who was quite sad to know his friend's worst fear.

Nathan felt awful that he had to give some kind of explanations to his friends about his past. None except Devon knew that he actually had spent many years of his early life in an institution for muggles.

They were all aware of his family reunion and the fraud of Botts, though.

Prof. Powell was also concerned at Nathan's bogart. He decided to inform Severus about it, in private.

- Prof. Snape, I need to speak to you in private about Nathan. I am aware we don't know each other very well yet, but I think that you would like to know this information from me.

- Of course, Prof. Powell. Let's go to my office. Severus proposed.

- Today, it was the first lesson of your son's class and I gave them a bogart to defend themselves against their worst fears, explained Powell and continued:

- Well, your son's bogart turned into you.

Well, one thing was for sure, Prof. Powell had managed to surprise Severus and it was not an easy task .

- Prof. Powell, I am sorry for being so frank with you, but perhaps you could show me your memory ? Severus suggested.

Prof. Powell nodded in approval and let Severus penetrate his mind.

He saw everything and he was deeply saddened. It was more than obvious that his son, deep down, was afraid of him and was questioning his love.

Severus was so concerned by this sudden revelation that he did not even ask Prof. Powell what he thought of his son towards the Dark Arts and to keep an eye on him.

He sent a message to his son to meet him at his office.

Nathan knew what his father wanted to discuss with him. He was already feeling bad that the whole class was aware of his fears, he would only feel worse having to confront his father about them.

He knocked on the door which opened immediately and entered the dark lit office.

His father was standing in front of his desk, with his hands crossed in front of his chest.

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