43. The Talk and more...

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- Sweetheart, I know that you are curious about the changes that are going to happen to your body

and perhaps, if the circumstances were different, I would have made this conversation earlier.

- OK Mom.

- How would you like to me to tell you some things and then you could ask me questions ?

Bella nodded.

Charlotte explained everything to her daughter, who was feeling quite embarrassed yet intrigued by the shared information.

Bella was quite tall for her age and she was beginning to experience some mild changes in her body.

She wasn't feeling comfortable to be naked in front of her Mom, though, so Charlotte could only guess some of the changes in her daughter's body.

She tried to explain to her about the changes in boy's bodies, which helped Bella understand why Nathan got angry at her if she entered his room to wake him up.

She left self exploration for another time, since the information was enough overwhelming already.

Bella hadn't had her first period yet, so now she would be prepared just in case. She was very modest, which wasn't very helpful for either parent to provide her with guidance. Not that Severus would feel very comfortable providing any kind of intimate help or guidance...

Charlotte left Bella to sleep while she went downstairs and met with her boys.

- I will go and change in my pjs, if you don't mind, Nathan said.

- You may rest, if you feel tired son, Severus told him. Don't forget that your term hasn't ended yet.

- Ok, then. Goodnight Mother, Father! he greeted politely giving a kiss to his mom and went to his room.


Severus looked at his wife. He was observing every feature.

- What is it, Sev ? she asked him.

- I love you, he simply stated.

She smiled and approached him. He hugged her and then picked her up.

- Let me take you to bed, dear wife, he said.

They soon drifted off to sleep.


Dark room.

Where am I ?

"I am gonna steal your pregnant wife like last time"

- Who is this ? Botts ? Where are you ?

Severus started to panic.

Botts was in prison and he had received the Dementors' kiss.

It didn't make sense.

"Sssseverrussss, don't you recognize your old Master ?"

- You are dead and gone. This is just a dream! It isn't real! This is JUST A DREAM! IT ISN'T REAL! IT ISN'T REAL! he started screaming.


He woke up. Sweat was forming not only in his forehead but everywhere in his body.

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