22. Back Home

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Nathan woke up very early and disappeared in the bathroom.

When he was finished he went to the kitchen for breakfast. His whole family was there and he blushed.

Severus said nothing, he only served his son 2 eggs and continued eating his.

- We will leave immediately after breakfast, he said

- I missed Home, Bella confessed.

When they entered their big house, Nathan felt really happy. He had missed his room and its privacy.

During dinner time, Charlotte and Severus announced the plans for vacation.

- We will meet the Malfoys at their House at Nice tomorrow. We will stay over for two weeks and then we will go to Italy for another two weeks. The rest of the summer, we will spend it at Shetlands, at my maternal great grand mother's traditional old cottage.

- Wow! Impressive , Mom! Nathan said.

They spent the rest of the night playing exploding snap and when it was bedtime, Severus and Charlotte were finally alone.

- Some more wine, Mrs. Snape ? he asked in his seductive voice.

- Sure Mr. Snape. she replied and laid on their sofa.

Severus approached her and gave her glass. He sat on the sofa and grabbed her feet. He started to slowly massage both feet, applying pressure in all the right places.

Charlotte closed her eyes and enjoyed the massage.

Severus started to kiss her feet and slowly moved upwards until he reached her knickers. He placed a kiss on top of them without removing anything and continued kissing his wife all the way up.

Charlotte opened her eyes as soon as she felt his gaze on her face. They shared a deep kiss and then Severus picked his wife up and they went to their bedroom.

He decided to go slow and accioed some body oil from their bathroom.

He started applying it on her back and then he removed her clothes. He continued applying oil all over her body. He was still fully dressed.

Charlotte tried to undress him but he refused the offer. As always she used a non verbal spell and in a split of a second Severus was on his bed, naked and with a huge erection.

Charlotte got up and she put her body against the wall , starting to dance and play with herself.

Severus could not hold himself and got up ready to penetrate her but she put an invisible barrier between them.

She continued playing with herself and teasing Severus, while he could not take it any more and he had started stroking himself.

- Are you playing it for me, Mr. Snape ?

Severus hissed "yessss, madame"

- I forbid you, she instructed and restrained both his hand above his head with a silent spell.

Severus was literally in a painful lust . She pushed him on the bed and he lied down.

She then started to go up and down, touching his erection with her wet pussy, but not allowing him to penetrate.

Severus was aching now, he was about to start crying from all the intense feelings that were drowning him.

Charlotte took his member in her hand and carefully guided inside her. As soon as he was going to come, she stood up.

- Come on, why are you tormenting me like that ? Severus whined half playing half seriously.

Charlotte licked her fingers and lubricated her forbidden entrance.

Severus eyes were wide as ever from surprise.

- You have still left a part of me untouched , Sev. Don't you want to fully take me ? All the way ? she asked in a lustful voice.

Severus was shaking from passion and growled yes and with that yes, she released his hands.

He stood up, took them by the waist, turned her around, made her bend over and carefully pushed in her.

Of course she was tight as hell so it was a bit painful for both of them.

Soon her muscles had relaxed enough to allow a smooth penetration.

Severus pulled out and caressed her backside.

Charlotte turned her face to ask him why he had stopped but then she saw.

Severus cast a spell on himself and he had grown another penis just above his original one.

- Why not take it even further, little witch ? he said in a deep voice.

- Fill my holes, Charlotte begged and with that Severus penetrated both her wet , needy pussy and her tight, pulsing ass.

It was the best feeling ever.

He started moving in a standard pace, accelerating slightly and then he started moving really fast, while he put his index finger on her clit.

That was it.

They started moving faster and faster, panting hard , sweating and creating a unique bond between them. And then , they screamed in pleasure, they orgasmed together, and they continued to move together. When all this intense sex scene calmed down, Severus pulled out. He collapsed right next to his wife and vanished the double penis.

Charlotte turned around and gave her husband another deep kiss.

It was obvious that they were madly in love and true soulmates.

- We need our own room, during summer holidays, my Love, Charlotte said.

- I will take care of it, Severus replied turning her aroung, hugging her and drifting off to a peaceful sleep.

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