36. Therapy

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Leaving for vacations was the best option for all of them.

They decided to visit Tuscany, so they booked villa near Siena and they also hired a muggle driver to explore Tuscan villages.

As soon as they stepped their feet in the villa, they all relaxed.

Severus proposed to change clothes and enjoy their evening with a walk in Centro Storico of Siena and of course eat out.

- Is there enough time to take a quick shower first, Dad ? Nathan asked

- Sure, Nathan, he replied.

Both Severus and Nathan felt really guilty for their behavior towards each other.

Charlotte knew that they all needed time to heal from all the traumatic feelings that had occurred after the accident.

When they were ready, the driver picked them and took them to Siena.

It was beautiful. Only students and permanent residents were present, so it was quiet and charming.

They sat in a cozy restaurant and enjoyed fresh pasta and Chianti Classico.

Nathan was silent and mostly focused on his plate, while Severus and Charlotte chatted.

Suddenly, Severus extended his hand with his glass of wine and proposed to Nathan:

- Care to have a sip with us ?

Nathan was startled. His father was clear that he would be allowed to taste anything with alcohol after 17. It was an obvious motion to make peace.

- I am not sure, he whispered.

- We are on vacation mode, so we can break the rules a little bit, can't we ? Severus answered.

Nathan smiled shyly and accepted the glass.

- Sniff it a bit and then taste it, Severus instructed.

Nathan did as his father told him.

- Wonderful. Lovely aroma and round taste.

Charlotte laughed.

- Well it is obvious that you have taken after you Mom in wine tasting, baby, she addressed her son.

- Come on Mom, don't call me baby. What girl will give me a second look if she hears you calling me "baby" ? he whined half joking.

- I see no girls around here, though, Severus stated.

They had a good time together.

While they were returning, Nathan felt so exhausted that he drifted to sleep on the road, resting his head on his dad's shoulder.

- Nathan, we arrived. Wake up son, you are too big to carry you to bed, Severus whispered.

Nathan opened his eyes sleepily and followed his father.

Severus led Nathan to his bedroom and tucked him in.

He stood there watching his son sleeping but after a while he decided to join his wife and rest as well.

When he entered his bedroom, Charlotte had already lied down. He hugged her and they slept like that until the morning .

Nathan was the first to wake up and he headed to their kitchen to make coffee for his parents and hot tea for himself.

He served himself and went out to the garden to enjoy the view and the rising sun.

He reflected all those moments with his Dad that caused him pain.

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