53. Time Machine and Changes.

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Albus rang the bell and Bella was the one to answer.

- Oh my God! Mom, Dad ! You won't believe who is here to surprise us !

Severus was just finishing the steaks and was ready to serve.

Albus was greeted with hugs. He was served a nice steak and some butterbeer.

They chatted happily all together when the crucial point of Charlotte proposing Dubrovnik came.

- Ooo Dubrovnik! So beautiful yet so cursed.... Albus commented.

- What do you mean Albus ? Nathan asked.

He told them the story about Morgana LeFey.

- Nonsense, Albus. This is just an urban legend, Charlotte fought back.

- I assure you it isn't. But if this is what you like to do, why not ?

Severus was very reluctant though.

- I would feel much safer if we remained in the UK. I know you are pregnant and not sick, but I don't trust muggle doctors and what if anything happened while we are there ?

I also have the exams of Nathan to prepare.

Really, darling, can't we visit Dubrovnik just before the new term starts ? he proposed.

Charlotte was very sceptical but she agreed.

Later that evening, Albus managed to stay alone with Severus and he explained everything to him.

Severus was finding it very hard to believe but he eventually believed Albus.

The next move was to destroy the property, which was handled by Albus just before going back... or better said going forward.

He returned at Hogwarts.

- Mission accomplished, he whispered.

Severus was nowhere to be found.

Now, he had to actually investigate the outcome of his intrusion.

The first thing he did was to go wake Minerva.

- Albus ? What is the meaning of this ?

He explained her everything and Minerva was shocked!

She immediately started to shout:


Dumbledore's stomach was starting to tense. The outcome was much worse than expected.

Charlotte and Severus stayed in the UK for vacations. Nathan passed his exams and he was also accepted in the Magical Department of Harvard University with a full scholarship as soon as he graduated. One last here in the UK and then he could go to the States.

Charlotte gave birth to a beautiful baby boy just before Christmas. Mother and baby were healthy and the whole family was happy again.

On New Year's Eve, they were invited by Draco and Astoria to spend the night with them.

They had a very good time and really enjoyed being able to have a normal life again.

Five days after new year they visited Diagon's Alley for shopping and fooling around.

A gang of Deatheaters who had escaped earlier that very morning attacked them.

Severus managed to fight back and protect his family.

Dolohov cast a curse towards Bella and before Severus managed to cast a shield, Nathan interfered and covered his sister with his own body to protect her.

Severus screamed.

Nathan fell with a blank expression. The curse had hit him.

Bella froze. Charlotte froze. The baby was screaming too.

The Aurors had just apparated to protect the family.

Severus panicked. He remembered the last incident with Botts stealing his family.

He cursed them. He killed 5 of the Aurors. While he was distracted, trying to repel the Aurors, two Deatheaters snatched the baby and slaughtered him in front of Charlotte.

She was screaming like crazy.

She reached out to take Bella under her arms, but she was also lying dead.

Seeing her children dead, she didn't even turn to see Severus. She committed suicide.

Severus was screaming.

He didn't manage to save anyone.

He was sentenced to receive the Dementors kiss, since insanity caused him to be violent and a danger to the society.

Albus felt dizzy while Minerva was saying what had happened.

- Albus... it wasn't meant to be. Severus was "cursed" to have an unhappy life, full of misery and sadness. You proposed him to change for the better but his destiny kept on fighting it. This explains the tragedies in his life.

But you are a murdered, nonetheless. We never mess up with time, old fool.

Perhaps it would have been more prudent to allow to Draco or Severus to kill you before Voldemort's fault.

You didn't trust that Harry Potter would be able to defeat him and believe me, this is the root of all evil.



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