Chapter One

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Storm's POV:

As soon as I woke up I knew that today was gonna be horrible. I got off my bed well it was more like a pile of thin blankets and went to wash up in the bathroom. My bathroom contained a small shower, toilet, and a sink.

After I washed up I grabbed the only clothes I had which was a sweatshirt and black skinny jeans. If I got new clothes my pack would just tear it up or stain It on purpose. I quickly tied my hair in a messy ponytail seeing it was almost time everyone gets up.

I ran downstairs into the kitchen and made breakfast for the pack.

Right as I was setting the last plate down I heard footsteps coming downstairs and I grabbed my things and headed to school.

~after school~

It was the last day of school so everyone was getting themselves ready for the graduation party while I ran home to set up the party by myself. I was the slave for this pack.

I decorated the pack house, set up the Bon fire, filled the coolers with beer and other alcohol, baked the deserts, cooked the food, cleaned the furniture, set up trash cans all over the place, readied the speakers and microphones, cleaned the other rooms, set up the colored lights, and took everything that could brake somewhere safe.

'Im tired of this shit I just want to get away from here' I thought to myself starting on my regular chores.

Just as I was done with that I saw the person I didn't wanna see the most, Blake, and his slut of a girlfriend Alyssa.

I watched them go upstairs and heard the door shut. I knew what was gonna happen so I went up to my room and shut the door. I can feel him getting it on with that bitch. I cursed at at him while screaming in pain.

After 3 hours of intense pain I gathered up my stuff , which wasn't much, and packed it in a bag. I was gonna escape this hell of a life.

When I heard the party start I grabbed the bag and my stash of money in the floor boards. I wrote a good bye letter to these devils.

Dear mom and dad and Adam,

I'm leaving and will never come back. I know your happy now since you wouldn't be seeing me again. I'm leaving to start over and have control over my life. I was abused and treated like shit for two years , TWO YEARS just because I couldn't shift. Your supposed to love you family no matter what but you didn't. My mate rejected me the day you abandoned me when everyone abandoned me. I was alone the whole time. I love you , NOT!

By motherfuckers,

Storm Melody Sinister.

Dear Blake,

Your supposed to love your mate no matter what. Even if they're ugly or fat. Thanks for being such an asshole to me. I hope you get STD from all the girls you slept with. And I hope your happy with that slut Alyssa. Oh and one more thing,

I , Storm Melody Sinister, accept your rejection.

Goodbye forever,

Storm xoxo

Dear pack,

Your such a disgrace to the race. Packs are supposed to protect each other but you all did the opposite. You beat me until I was knocked unconscious. You shattered my dreams and broke me. If your proud of that your really stupid.

Thanks for nothing,


I put each letter into the envelope and wrote the names on each of it. I set it on the ground right in front of the door so they could see it. I grabbed the perfume and sprayed it all over my body to hide my scent then jumped out the window. I climbed up a tree just as I got to the top I could see my brother come into my room and picked up the letters.

After a while he started crying and ran out the room to probably gave it to my parents.

I jumped down and started running towards the border.

I ran and ran until I couldn't walk. It looked like I ran about a good 50 miles. I limped to the lake and drank a bit of water. I was tired, hungry, and homeless.

I went under a tree and decided to take a nap for a bit.

"Guys quiet you'll wake her" a voice whispered.

I opened my eyes and saw 4 guys staring at me. I got up and ran behind a tree.

"It's okay we won't hurt you" guy 1 said.

"I don't know about the alpha tho he's scary at times" guy 2 elbowed guy 1

"Shut up your making her scared" guy 3 hit him in the back of the head.

The last one was eating pizza and it looked like he didn't wanna be there. They all were drool worthy to me. I laughed a bit causing them to look at me.

"If you won't come out just tell us why your in our territory" guy 2 said.

"I-I was just passing through I'm sorry I didn't know I was in pack territory" I whispered.

"Where you headed to" guy 3 asked

I just looked down and started tearing up when arms were around me hugging me.

"You where running away weren't you" guy 1 asked I nodded.

"Why" guy 4 said.

I told them how my pack treated me, about my mate rejecting me and my parents disowning me. Basically telling my life.

By the time I was done all of them were hugging me while I was crying.

"We need to take her to the alpha and see if she can join the pack" I looked at guy 2 in shock.

"Yeah and by the way. I'm ashley and this is cc, jinxx, and jake." Ashley said pointing to the others.

"Yay I have a baby sister now" CC said spinning me around.

"Not yet we have to get the alphas approval first" jake smiled.

"Okay let's go see the alpha" ashley said throwing me over his shoulders.

"Hey I can't walk you know!" I laughed pounding on his back.

"Too bad the princess needs to be carried" he laughed as we reached the pack house.

I smelt something so mouthwatering. It smelt like strawberries and chocolate my favorite. And I said something unexpectedly.


So this is my first book about werewolves yay. Leave like and comments. Thank you.

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