Chapter Six

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Storm's POV:

"Storm" I turned around and andy was standing there in a batman onesie.

"Aw you look so cute" I giggled.

"I'm not cute" he pouted.

"Fine your not cute, you handsome and sexy" I laughed.

"Look I got you a batman onesie too" I squealed

"Yay" I hurried to put it on.

When I was done changing we cuddled and slept in bed until it was time to go to the meeting.

"Babe wake up the meeting is in 10 minutes" I kissed him.

"Fine lets get the others" we got up and changed then got the others.

~ in the field ~

"As you all know the rogues have been taking down packs one by one so we have called the Blood Moon Pack to help us train for battle" Blake said handing the stage to andy.

"We will me helping you train for future wars. We will push you and your wolf to the limit weather you like it or not. Your trainer will be my best worrier and mate, Storm" he helped me on the stage.

"The training will be on Everyday except sunday. Training on week days will start at 3pm and end at 9pm. On Saturday training will start at 7am to 2pm and Sundays you can rest." I explained the schedule

"Any questions" someone raised their hand.

"Yes, you have a question" I looked at them.

"Why are you training us. Your a girl" he smirked.

"So you think I'm weak" they guys were laughing.

"Yes I could take you down easily" he eyed me.

"Oh you think you could beat me. Bring it on" he shifted to his small brown wolf and I stayed in human form.

We circled each other until he lunged at me. I step aside and let him eat dirt. We kept that up until I got bored. Finally when he lunged at me I grabbed his neck and pinned him to the ground.

"Anyone else wanna try me" no one said anything.

"Good oh and one more thing. You'll be punished if you don't show up on time to training" I left the stage and went to hang with the guys.

"Damn girl that was so badass" I smirked and bowed.

"I'm bored can we do something" we agreed to play in the game room for the rest of the night.

I looked at the time and it was 1 in the morning.

"Guys get some shut eye. We have training in the morning. Remember it's Saturday" we all left to our rooms.

"Andy come on sleep" I patted the spot next to me.

"Hey did you ever think about kids" andy asked.

"Yea why" he shrugged

"Just asking. How much kids do you want" I thought about it.

"Maybe two, one boy one girl. how bout you" he smiled.

"Same. I know that day is gonna come one day" I smiled and laid my head on his forearm.

"Good night, love" he whispered

"Good night" I kissed him and let the darkness consume me.

~ sunrise ~

I woke up andy "babe it hurts"

I felt pain shoot throughout my body and I screamed. Everyone came to see what was happening. I felt like I was shifting again and then I saw andy scream I'm pain too.

"Move out of the way" ashley and jake carried us outside.

Our screams woke the whole pack. They all gathered around us and a bright light surrounded me and andy.

"Hello my child" I heard my mothers angelic voice.

"Mom, what's happening to us" I smiled.

"You are getting your surprise I told you about. And andy me dear" she looked at andy.

"Yes moon goddess" he looked amazed.

"Haha call me Sarah. Andy you have completed the mating process so you'll gain full control of your powers" she smiled.

"Mom, the war is getting closer isn't it" she nodded.

"Yes. You will have to train with other supernatural creatures to prepare for the war. And andy there is someone here to see you" Andy's dead mate came out.

"Julie I missed you" andy smiled and she smiled.

"I missed you too but I was meant to die and you were meant to be with storm" Julie looked at me.

"Promise me that you'll take care of him" I nodded.

"I will" I hugged andy.

"My time is up. I will see you again one day. I'll be watching over you. Andy I will miss you and storm, thank you." I smiled at her and she left.

"It is my time to go too. Until then my child. I'll watch over you and help you along the way" we hugged.

When we woke up the bright light dies down and everyone was staring at us.

I looked at Andy and he was In his wolf form with black angel wings attached to his back. I turned to look at my back and it had pure white angel wings too.

We shifted back into my human form and wrapped my wings around myself to hide my naked body.

"Guys what just happened" they guy said.

"I talked to my mother and she said everyone in the Blood Moon Pack is an angel hybrid. So you'll get your wings soon" I smiled.

"The pack is almost here" andy said looking at the sky.

Blake's POV:

They had wings! The whole Blood Moon Pack was angel hybrids.

I heard soft paws land on the ground. We turned around and saw Alpha Andy's pack with angel wings. I must be going crazy.

Storm's POV:

"Alpha, luna" they said.

"Do you have extra rooms" andy asked.

"Yes we have a guest house too" Adam lead them to the house for tonight before the leave back to the pack territory.

"We will discuss this tomorrow at training so you better not be late" andy said in his alpha tone.

"Yes alpha andy" the Blue Moon Pack left to sleep.

"Let's go sleep we need it" we flew back to the room and slept for the remainder if the night.

'Ugh tomorrow's gonna be a rough day' I thought to myself.


Sorry if that was confusing and boring. Please like and comment.

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