Chapter Five

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Storm's POV:

I woke up in Andy's tattooed arms wrapped around my waist with my back against his chest.

I turned around and kissed him.

"That's one way to wake me up" he opened his eyes.

I smiled remembering last night.

"Last night was amazing" we said at the same time and laughed.

I tried getting up but he tightened his arms around me.

"Babe I have pee and we have to get ready to go" I whimpered and didn't let go.

So I tied something. I pressed my lips against his. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance which he gladly accepted. I felt his arms loosen a bit so I made a run for it.

"Your such a tease" he growled and I stuck my tongue out at him like a little kid.

~ after we washed up ~

I went into the kitchen and Sammi screamed pointing to me.

"What, what happen" I worried.

"What's on your neck. Ooh did you and andy get it on last night" jake walked in.

"Yeah I heard them. I'm surprised you didn't" I looked down and blushed.

"Oh my gosh let me see it" she was jumping.

"Okay okay calm your tits girl" I laughed and showed her my neck.

"Woah it's beautiful" andy walked in smiling.

"Yes it is isn't it. Wanna see it?" he asked me, I nodded.

I was in awe. My mark had Andy's name in fancy writing and his wolf with wings and fire around him like an aura.

"It's beautiful" I cried.

"Wanna see mine" he turned his neck to me.

It looked exactly alike but it was my wolf and didn't have the fire. It was a bright glow that was around me.

"Amazing" I hugged him.

The rest of the guys came in ready to go. They ate up all their food in like 30 seconds.

"Slow down we still have..." Andy looked at the time "one more hour till we leave"

"Can we go somewhere for a bit" I asked.

"Sure but where" we sat there thinking.

"How about... The park"

"The pool"

"The mall"

"The-" they all suggested something.

"Hold on guys and we are definitely not gonna to the mall" sammi pouted.

"How about the pool" we all agreed with ashley.

I ran upstairs and got my batman bikini and put them on. I ran downstairs and dived into the pool.

"This feels good" I waited for everyone.

Once everyone was in we played chicken. Sammi was on Jinxx and I was on andy. We pushed each other and fell at the same time.

"Ah that was fun but we gotta go like now, we have to be there at 8:30" andy looked at the time.

We got out of the pool and I ran to the shower almost slipping in the process.

After everyone got ready we loaded the cars. Sammi and Jinxx were in one car and CC, Ella, and Jake was in the other. Me, ashley, and andy was riding our motorcycles. Andy was on my left side and Ashley was on the right.

'Babe you have to lead the way. We don't know where their pack is' andy mind linked me.

'Roger that alpha andy' I saluted.

I lead the way to the blue moon pack. Once we were their I mind linked ashley and andy.

'Lets do our grand entrance' they both nodded.

We sped up and jumped the ramp I made out of the earth.

We did our thing and landed in front of their pack. The blue moon pack almost had their jaw touching the floor.

Andy got off his bike with all of us behind him. He took off his helmet so did ashley but I didn't.

"Hello alpha andy. Thank you so much for helping us" Blake said.

"Sure" he said.

"This is my beta Adam, my third In command Kyle. And my beautiful mate Alyssa" alyssa hugged and kissed Blake.

"This is my third in command Jake and his mate Ella " andy said pointing to jake and Ella.

"This is my Betas CC and ashley. And my brother jinxx and his mate Sammi" he pointed to them.

"And this is MY mate and their luna" he wrapped his arms around me.

I still had my helmet on but I knew Blake knew it was me. I took my helmet off and shook out my hair then kissed andy.

"S-storm is that you" Blake looked happy but then got angry seeing my mark.

"Yeah it's me" I said coldly.

"Where were you this whole time" he tried hugging me.

"I was with my new pack and mate" I stepped out of the way and kissed andy.

"HE IS NOT YOUR MATE I AM" he yelled.

"I am not your mate remember you rejected me. So my mother gave me a new mate" I said softy in the end.

"Me and my wolf have no attraction to you what so ever. We came here to only train you and that's it" I yelled and andy rubbed my arms.

"Plus your mated already" I said looking at Alyssa.

"Could you show us to our rooms now" andy said in monotone.

"Sure this way" Adam lead us to the rooms.

"You okay" andy whispered.

"Yeah he can't get to me anymore. I'm no longer the weak and defenseless storm I'm the new strong and powerful storm" I smiled.

"This is your room" he pointed to the last room.

I mumbled a thanks to him and went inside. Before I could close the door he called my name.

"Storm I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. I was young and stupid. All I cared about was my reputation. Ever since you left I've been searching everywhere for you. I know you won't forgive me but I'll do anything to get my sister back" he cried.

"I forgive you. I saw you in my room before I left. You were crying when you saw me gone" I hugged him.

"Thank you so much storm. From now on I'll be the best brother ever" he smiled.

"Okay is there anything else" I asked.

"Oh yeah. There's a meeting in 1 hour in the field so don't be late" he walked downstairs.

"Storm" I looked behind me, it was something I didn't expect to see.


Who Was behind her ? Wait for the next chapter. Please comment and like thank you.

Andy's wolf --->

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