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After that night, Piccolo and Arlice finally got to training with each other. She was surprised at how much her mentor had been holding back in their sparring sessions. She could never land a hit on him, while he near destroyed her every time they trained. Where before training sessions would last until she was tired, they now lasted until she was about to pass out. However, she felt herself be nearly 10 times stronger when she healed, making her training progress at an exponential rate. They still checked on Gohan every now and again, it was only short checks. Neither of them wanted to waste six months just doing nothing, considering the incoming threat.

This was the first time Arlice went through intense training. Sure, she trained 90% of the time before this with Piccolo, but now there was more at stake than just Piccolo wanting to beat Goku. Earth was at risk of destruction, making the training have a sense of urgency. Through the months, Piccolo even found himself starting to be challenged by the young Saiyan. And if that wasn't enough, when she rested, he used the multi-form technique to give himself even more of a challenge.

Finally, after six months the two went to include Gohan. Arlice enjoyed having another person to spar with, even if he was weak compared to her and Piccolo. She was actually impressed with how he held up to their mentor considering he had no previous experience. In the few brakes they got, they would talk. Arlice would listen as he talked about his life before this or about topics he learned about in books and loved. She often couldn't follow all of it, but she still listened. Some of them were interesting to her, but most were rather boring, even with the boy being so passionate. He started to teach her some of his school learnings, like how to read, write, and do the math, and she found herself giving him some more basic lessons in the fighting. However, hearing Gohan talk about his parents interested her. Piccolo barely ever mentioned Goku, and hearing Gohan sing his praises made her start to respect him more. She also learned about his mother, Chi-Chi, who was strick, but you could still tell how much she loved and cared about her son. While she never would say it, she started seeing how similar Piccolo was to his description of how parents should be. One night after training, Gohan and Arlice sat by the fire just talking.

"You know, my dad said that you were evil," Gohan said to the figure watching them. Arlice laughed at the idea of Piccolo being evil, and Gohan chuckled a bit. "I don't know. Now you just seem a bit grumpy." Arlice nodded, but Piccolo spun around with an angry face.

"Shut up and go to bed! If you thought that today was rough, tomorrow is going to be even worse!" he shouted at the two. Without another word they scrambled to lie down, not wanting to make him any more upset. Arlice tried to sleep, but her mind would not shut off.

My dad is on his way here with the mission to kill us all. No matter how hard she tried, the thought wouldn't t leave her head. While she loved Piccolo, she couldn't help but wonder why her parents would ever abandon her before Radiz is showed up. Piccolo would never talk about them and before she wanted desperately for them to find her and be proud. Now that she knew her father's true nature, she honestly wasn't sure.

All of Gohan' s talk about his parents interested her, but at the same time made her wish her parents were the same way. Maybe my Dad is nice, and he just does bad stuff because the person he works with is mean to him. She couldn't believe that her parents were cold-blooded killers, she just couldn't. There had to be some other reason. Weren't parents supposed to be nice and love their children and not want to kill their children's friends? That is how Gohan described them at least. 

Sighing, she got up and walked away to train on her own. There was just a few more months left until her dad would arrive and fight them. She had to be ready to protect Gohan and Piccolo. If they died by her father's hand, she didn't know what she would do.

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