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As the trio of Earth warriors were heading towards the new large power levels, Arlice felt a familiar power spike and the power near him disappear. She rolled her eyes as the other two landed. "Ok guys, make sure to lower your power levels."

"I'm trying Krillin, but I can't seem to get it as low as yours," Gohan complained. Krillin started to say something, only to stop mid-sentence and claim he was setting an example for the kids. Arlice rolled her eyes at the lie and focused on the village in front of them. One was tall with green skin, darker green hair, and a similar suit to Vegeta's and the rest of his group, only his had a cape and it was differently colored. Another one was fat, short, pink and had spikes on his head and arms. The third one, which had the highest energy of them all, was in some weird pod that was floating off the ground. The armor on him looked more like a part of his body, and parts of his body looked more like armor. He had a pink, purple, and white color pallet with two black horns protruding from his head. Krillin and Gohan talked between themselves, but Arlice was more focused on the scene before her. Looking at the trio, she had major deja vu.

The spiky one seemed turned to where the group was hiding, causing a small panic attack among them, before passing it off as nothing. The center one, who introduced himself as Frieza, began talking with what Arlice assumed to be the leader of the Namekian village. As he refused to give Frieza the Dragon Ball, the green one started killing the villagers, causing Gohan and Arlice to glare. Right as the pink one was about to cause more violence, three high power leveled Namekians showed up to defend the village.

The group of Namekians started defeated all of what Arlice assumed as the foot soldiers of whatever messed-up army Frieza seemed to be running. Even the elder jumped in and blew up the scouters on all of the fighters. Unfortunately, this only ticked off Frieza. With a sigh of annoyance, he sent the pink lackey to fight the Namekians. In mere seconds, the three Namekian fighters were dead on the ground. As Frieza set his sights on the two Namekian children, the elder finally relinquished control of the ball. Unfortunately, the bloodbath wasn't over. "One last question: could you point us in the direction of the next village. You seem to have destroyed our scouters," Frieza asked.

The old Namekian tried to contest, only for Frieza's patience to wear thin and he ordered the pink fighter to kill the children, who were now running away in fear. Arlice and Gohan's power began to rise as one was shot dead with a ki blast. Krillin tried to calm the two, but nothing was working. The pink blob snapped the neck of the village leader, then turned to the remaining kid. Finally, neither kid could take it and they jumped into action.

Gohan made a surprise attack and kicked the foe into a nearby building and while he was down Arlice focused her rage at the band of villains into a ki blast. "FURORE IGNIS!" the young Saiyan screamed as a red beam shot from her hands and lodged her opponent further into the ground. Krillin picked up the Namekian kid and the trio flew off, leaving the villains behind them confused. While they flew the fastest they could, it wasn't long before they felt the large energy catching up with them.

The large alien began to shoot ki blasts at the group, causing Krillin to drop the Namekian kid. He grabbed Krillin's ankle, but the midge was able to headbutt his way out of the alien's grasp and fly away. Krillin then used the Solar Flare to blind his foe, allowing the Earth heroes to rescue the kid and bolt out. As they were fleeing, Arlice felt the pink alien get attacked by her father's energy. For the first time since meeting him, she didn't completely hate his existence.


Dodoria's arms were being pulled behind his back, causing him a great amount of pain, and Vegeta just smirked. "Wait! If you let me go I'll tell you the truth about your planet!" He cried desperately. Vegeta paused. "What's this? Planet Vegeta was destroyed, it's gone! What else is there to know?" Vegeta spat. "if you kill me now, you'll never find out!" After a moment, Vegeta let go and stepped away from the fat blop.

Dodoria took a moment to let his arms relax in an attempt to numb the pain done to them. "Just remember, I am only the messenger. As you know, when Planet Vegeta was destroyed, Frieza told you it was hit by a massive meteor. Well, that was a lie." Vegeta stiffed as he listened. "It was Frieza, not a meteorite that destroyed your planet, along with the entire Saiyan race! You see, Frieza had been using the Saiyans to do his dirty work for years. Compared to many, they made for an impressive breed of warriors. And since none of them could match Frieza's incredibly awesome power they were easy to control. For a while, it was a very productive arrangement. Over time, things changed. While Frieza could still very easily destroy a single Saiyan, several extraordinary fighters, such as yourself, began to emerge. With each new victory, you became harder to control, your pride making you arrogant. He feared that if a group were to get together, they may actually pose a threat to his power. And so, the threat was eliminated." Vegeta was shaking with rage, as Dodoria was backing away.

"It wasn't long before he noticed that some Saiyans that had been off-world were still alive, so there was a large bounty set on their heads. Funny though, that after all of this time the last of the escaped Saiyans was only found but five years ago. Frieza decided to take the job himself, having not been able to kill one of you monkeys in quite awhile. She put up quite a fight. Of course, she couldn't escape. When she was found, there was no pod on the planet. Still, the time it took to kill her was longer than any previous strays and Frieza enjoyed the battle, even though it was so far beneath him." Dodoria was in the air now. "You should be honored, Vegeta. Being a prince and having the skill set you do, Frieza decided to keep you alive. Well, there you have it, the awful truth. And now that I have held up my end of our bargain, I'll be on my way."

"Not so fast. You will pay for your part in this, as Frieza soon will. Just know, I do this not for my planet, not for my race, but for the fact that you thought you could get away will using the Prince of all Saiyans, kill his wife and get away with it!" Vegeta began powering up, causing Dodoria to fly away in fear. However, he could only get so far before Vegeta's ki blast hit him, killing him in mere seconds.

"I promise you this Frieza, your downfall will be at the hands of a Saiyan."

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