Chapter 2

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Now that I think, today isn't going to be a perfect day now that i have made a complete fucking fool out of myself, but that shouldn't make it worse.

"Time for Dis" Holly complains. It is the worst class in the world but on the other hand I get to go on my iPad during it so that is a plus.

"Did you see that photo of Harry! Oh my fucking god was he hot." Holly fangirls as we walk into discreationary.

"Dude you have a boyfriend, yet here you are fangirling over Harry fricken Styles. What a girlfriend you are!" I laugh and she joins me.

"I can fangirl over whoever I want, boyfriend or not" she defends herself.

"Don't sass me girl" I try to keep a straight face, then ending up laughing.

"Ok class sit down. We are going to be talking about cyber saftey." Miss Turder says to our class.

"This is going to be bull shit" I whisper to Holly whilst taken my iPad out and opening the twitter app. I continue to scroll through my feed liking all my fave you tubers tweets.


The bell rings and everyone starts to pack up, even though the teacher didn't say, I think we do it to annoy her.

"My mum yelled at Calum last night for taking me out to much, of coarse I defended him and said he was just being nice boyfriend" Sammy laughs and we all join her, me keeping my eyes on Ashton at the same time.

"We have design tech after lunch, maybe if Ashton it in that class we can talk to him" Holly says amusedly.

"Maybe, but I don't think he will want to talk to me after my awkward convo with him." I sadly remark.

"You will be alright I make things less awkward" She says me completely disagreeing with her.

"Yea right" Olivia, Sammy and I all say at the same time and Holly tries to frown while holding back her smile

"The truth hurts, sorry" Olivia apologises, which she does to much.

"Don't give her sympathy Olivia she will survive, at least we aren't fake friends and lie to her all the time." I fight back trying not to let Holly win this battle.

"Don't talk to me, Richards" Holly laughs and walks off. I start to crack up laughing and follow her. Once we get into the locker room, Ashton is already there grabbing his food out and i cant help but stare. I briefly look in his locker and I swear I see a pair of glasses, I will ask him about them in DT. I grab my green monster lunch box out and laugh at my John Lemmon sticker on the front.

"Come on lets go, flowers" Sammy says in her thick kiwi accent.

"Jammy Say!" I scold her giving her a light nudge, causing her to punch me back.

"I didn't hit you that hard!" I whine rubbing my arm

"Don't be a Richard then." I feel the presence of Ashton as he walks up to me.

"Hey, Jade? Are you in Design tech?" He asks me curiously.

"Uhh yeah. Are you?" I ask back trying not to be awkward.

"Yeah, I think so. We will talk then aye?" He is better than me to hide his embarrassment that is if he is embarressed.

"Yeah, sure, see you then." I end the conversation and walk swiftly to our table.

"Ashton and Jade sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g" Holly teases causing me to punch her and then she punches me back twice as hard. "You want it to happen though, So what did he say give us the details" she nearly jumps out of her chair. This is going to be a long day.

It will get better I promise guys! Thank you for reading hope you like this chapter. I will continue to update till my fingers are sore! Ily xxxxx :-)

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