Chapter 49

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I sit across from Ashton while he looks at the waitress like she as grown a second head.
"M-mum?" He stutters.
"Ashton?!" The largest smile I have ever seen plants its self on her face.
"Mum, is that really you?" His face begins to light up like a beautiful Christmas tree.
"Yep." She says popping the 'p'. "At least I think your my son." She laughs.
"It really is you! I haven't seen you since I was eight. I missed you.... Why did you leave?" Tears begin to well up on his eyes causing tears to threaten to come out of my eyes.
"Ash..." She says disappointedly.
"No mum! Tell me! I need to know I am nineteen! I'm old enough to know! I will understand." He sighs as one tear rolls down his face.
"Ash, I left you and your brother and sister bec-"
"I have a brother?!" He asks.
"Yes I was pregnant with him when I left... His name is Harry and he is now ten.. Lauren is fourteen now. When was the last time you saw her?" She curiously asks.
"I didn't see her since you went.... You left me at home all alone... You took Lauren with you and left... You didn't come back. I was only nine Mum! I found your stash of money and paid off the house eventually after working so hard at the movie store down the road and I was only fricken nine! Your usually not a loud a job at nine but they accepted me when I told them I was alone and I had no money to keep myself alive let alone pay a mortgage!" He yells unstoppable tears running down his face.
"I'm sorry Ash, I really am... I'm sorry I left you without telling you but I had to..." She trails off looking at her hands in disappointment.
"Why?! Why did you leave me?! Why did you just take Lauren?! Why didn't you take me as well?!" He screams.
"I left because I wasn't stable... I was a drunk Ash! I took Lauren to your grandmothers house and not you because...I don't know.... I remembered how much you hated your grandma and I didn't want to leave you with a three year old..... So I just thought it was a good idea to take Lauren and then when I had Harry I gave him to her as well... And half the reason I left you there was because I wasn't thinking... I- I.......I was drugged up Ash.... I really am sorry." Tears now flowing down my face as I watch Ashton cry. I slide my hands across the table and lace my fingers with his. He looks at his hand and then looks up at me smiling. As soon as he noticed I am crying he scoots around the semi-circle lounge next to me.
"Hey, don't cry. Do you want to go? We can leave. If you want." He whispers wiping away my tears. Anne - as I learnt his mums name was - still standing there watching in awe.
"I don't care it is up to you." I gave him a sympathetic smile wiping his tears away as well.
"Do you want to go meet my brother and sister?" He whispers into my ear, me smirking at the gesture.
"Yeah why not... Maybe you can take them home to live with you? That would be cool... I'm sorry I'm going crazy aren't I?" I whisper back.
"Mum.. We are leaving. I don't know if you want to talk later but thanks." He spat.
"Why are you thanking me?" She asks confusdly.
"For ruining our night!" He hissed over his shoulder us walking hand in hand out of the restaurant.
"One question." I stated.
"Shoot." He demanded unlocking the car door.
"Do you even know where your Grandma lives?" I curiously ask.
"Yes I do... Hope fully she still lives where I last saw her. Now I have a question for you missy." He smirks.
"Shoot." I demand.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks sweetly. I nod slowly, utterly confused. He slowly comes closer to my face so that our noses are touching. He bites his lip hungrily, looking me in the eyes then down at my lips then back up again. He doesn't make the first move so I decide to. I gently place my lips against his, snaking my arms around his neck. He attempts to deepen the kiss but me being the teasing one, I pull away.
"Let's go get you Brother and Sister." I smirk slyly, hopping into his car.
"I'm sorry that tonight was ruined." He states randomly.
"It's not ruined Ash, because...." I trail off again to tease him.
"Because?" He says.
"Because I'm with you silly." I giggle. "Now c'mon lets go see them!" I whine.


"The moment of truth." I say with my hand in the air getting ready to knock.
"Someone's at the door! Shots not getting it!" The sound of Lauren's voice is one of the best things I have heard in years besides from Jade saying yes to being my girlfriend.
"Shots not!" I hear my turd of a grandma say. "Up to you now har, remember the rules." It feels like forever for the door to open. Once Harry is finished unlocking the door he opens it. He has hair like mine. Bright blue eyes. Slightly tanned skin like mine. You can defiantly tell he is my brother.
"Who are you?" He says in his thick Australian accent.
"I'm your brother." I say trying not to sound creepy.
"Grandma! There is this creepy man at the door telling me that he's my brother!" He yells over his shoulder.
"For gods sake!" She groans walking to the door.
"What the f do y-" she stops talking as soon as she looks at me. "Ashton?" She says in suprisment.
"That's my name!" I chirp.
"Holy moly! Oh my lord... Come in please." She says opening the door for us. "Lauren! Someone is here! Someone that you might be happy to see!" She yells down the hallway.
"If it is one of my so-called friends I don't care! I hate all my friends they treat me like poo!" She yells back.
"No it isn't one of your shitty friends! It is actually family!" Grandma yells back again.
"Ugh! Why do you want me to come out to see family..." She says walking down the hallway. "Who is this?" She looks at me with disgust.
"This is your brother." My grandma chirps.
"Ashton?" She asks tears beginning to push their way out of my eyes.
"Hey..." I smile opening my arms for her. She runs towards me like a lost puppy that has been found and hugs me tightly.
"I missed you Ash... Well I didn't really know you but I did!" She says into my chest.
"I missed you as well." I cry.
"Wait? How did you find us?" She asks looking up at me.
"Don't worry I will tell you later. But I have a very serious question for you." I explain.
"Okay...." She says slowly utterly confused.
"Do you want to come live with me?" I ask and a small gasp comes from her mouth.
"I mean I would love to but are you sure?" She asks.
"I am positve..." I smile to her.
"Y-yes Ash! Of c-coarse I will.... Wait what about Harry?" She asks pulling away from our very long hug.
"I was hopin' he would join." I smile looking over to him. He nodded ever so slowly. "C'mere." I smiled bending down a bit opening my arms for him.
"Thanks Ash." Lauren chirped into my chest.
"Well you guys better go get your stuff then." I said letting go of the two. They run off happily to their bedrooms obviously grabbing their stuff. "Just grab enough for a couple of days! I will come get the rest of your stuff next week!" I yell to them.
"Thank god they are going. Those lil turds were with me for too long I am sick of them." My grandmother groaned sitting back in her recliner.
"I am very surprised that I call your wrinkly ass my grandmother." I spit.
"Ashton..." Jade whispers squeezing my hand.
"No Jade! I am sick of her shit! She has made my life hell since day one! She doesn't think of anyone but herself! I hate her!" I yell.
"I am right here you know? I'm not surprised you are now standing up to me... And I don't just care about myself! If I didn't care about your mothers drunk ass your siblings wouldn't be here! The would be in a fucking orphanage!" She yells back.
"What the hell?" Lauren says walking into the living room with her bags in her hands, Harry behind her.
"Jade, can you please go take them to the car?" I ask her.
"Sure.. Just don't be long please." She says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"So...who are you?" Lauren asks me.
"Well it's kinda complicated.." I trail off.
"Well they are gonna be in there for a while so we have time." She smiles.
"Okay if you insist...." I tell them the whole story as they sit there and listen. "And that's where we are now... We were originally on a date but your... Ashton said that he wanted to see you." I smile.
"Huh.. That was an interesting story." Lauren said.
"So your like my sister in-law? I've always wanted another sister." Harry chirped.
"Sort of.... I'm not Ash's girlfriend let alone wife so.. Yeah your close." I smiled.
"Sorry it took so long she was being a bi..nana a banana. Yeah." Ash says trying not to swear.
"It's okay.." I smiled.
"Hey ash? When is Jade going to be my sister?" Harry asks.
"I don't know... Why are you asking?" Ash blushes.
"I want her to be my sister she is nice." He says. God Harry is so bubbly.
"Aww thanks lil bro... I will call you that so that we are one step forward." I smile back to him.
"Cool! And I will you...... Big sis." He smiles back.
"Your so adorable." I say as I ruffle his hair.
"So Ashton?" Lauren interrupts.
"Mhmmm?" Ash hummed.
"When you going to ask Jade to be your girlfriend?" She sang.
"Uh I don't know. Why don't you just wait and see..." He says.
"Whatever." She says turning to her mobile.
So what do you guys think of Harry, Lauren AND Anne entering the book? Comment, comment, comment!
Chapter status: Edited.

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