Chapter 12

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Jade's Pov:

As I dial Holly's number I think of what to say. Will she talk first? Or should I? My head floods with random questions.

"Hi... Jade, thank you for calling me. I just wan-" I cut her off, before she starts to ramble on.

"Holly it is alright, the letter you gave me explained it all. I am sorry that I jumped onto conclusions before you explained, so it is part my fault. Sorry" I apologise to her.

"No, you don't need to apologise. It isn't part your fault it is all mine. I should have some self control. Sorry. Can we just move along from this I don't want this to get in between us?" I can hear Holly sob through the phone causing my eyes to tear up.

"Okay. It is going into the past, in 3,2,1" I count down as the tear runs down my face and soaks into my skin straight away.

"Are we friends again?" She asks.

"No. Not friends.." I smirk waiting for her reaction, and I get it instantly. I hear a gasp come through the line and I giggle."Best friends" I laugh and she joins along with me.

"Okay, well I will see you on Monday." We say our good byes and hang up the phone. My tiredness hits me, hard. I lay down on my bed and fall asleep instantly.


I wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating. Who would call me at this time of the morning? I look at the clock on my phone and it is 5:00 in the afternoon and Ashton is calling me.

"Hello?" My voice comes out almost like a whisper.

"Hi, it is Ashton - " I cut him off.

"I know it is you, Ash, I do have you as a contact." I laugh lightly, still tired from my deep slumber.

"I was wandering if you wanted to go out for dinner?" He questions. I cant be bothered to go anywhere tonight.

"Why don't we have a movie night at my apartment and you can stay for the night?" I ask him trying not to sound bitchy.

"Yeah! Sounds fun. Scary movie marathon?" He questions causing me to jump out of bed.

"Yes! That sounds fun, come over now. I have a collection of scary movies." I excitedly say pulling a large sweater out of my wardrobe and a pair of swear pants.

"Okay. See you soon" and with that Ashton hangs up the phone. I race out to the lounge room and take out my collection of scary movies. I speed walk into the kitchen nearly slipping over in my fluffy socks.

"Shit" I mumble to my self as I get my balance back. I go to the cupboard and get out some popcorn, and put it into the microwave. I race to my room and grab my mattress off of my bed and drag it to the lounge room. Holly and I do this whenever we have a movie marathon. I race around the house collecting all the blankets and pillows I can find and chuck the onto the mattress. 20 minutes later I hear a knock at the door.

"Hey." I check out Ashton in his sweat pants and plain black t-shirt.

"Hey," He replies as he walks through the door."Nice socks." He points to my fluffy, pink socks and laughs.

"Don't laugh they are warm." I scold him.

"They are cute, like you." He complements me, and I cant help but blush."oooo I can smell popcorn." Ashton says while sniffing in the butter scent coming from the popcorn. As soon as we walk into the lounge room I watch as Ashton's eyes grow. Immediately he jumps on the pillow filled mattress and snuggles him self into the blankets.

"Pick a movie to watch, they are on the bench next to the tv." I tell Ashton to pick a movie. After 5 minutes of negotiating on what to watch we choose the conjuring.

"I haven't seen this yet." How could he not see this fabulous movie."If I get scared you are going to have to comfort me." He explains and I begin to laugh.

"Shhh it's starting." I make him shut up and I sit beside him. He moves closer to me putting his arm around me. I rest my head on his chest and watch the movie.

Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I dont know why I am evil laughing lol. Thank you for 180 reads so happy! Anyway dont forget to vote and comment ily xxxxx :-)

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