Chapter 13

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Ashton's Pov:

I wake up to a warm sensation on my chest. I open my eyes slightly trying not to let the sun inside them. Jade is sleeping on my chest, a slight snore coming out of her mouth. I reach for my phone to check the time. It is 12:00. Jade's eyes open and she looks up at me.

"Morning." I say looking down at her.

"Morning." She say briefly and shuts her eyes again."What time is it?" She asks me keeping her eyes shut.

"12:00." I tell her watching as her eyes fling open."What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just hungry." She whines, giving me an idea.

"Do you want to go to the coffee club for lunch?" I ask her."My shout." I feel her smile against my skin.

"Yeah, if that is alright." I look her in the eyes.

"Of coarse." She sits up from my chest.

"Cool, I'm going to have a shower. You can have one when I get out." She smiles and makes her way down the hall. I'm starting to fall for this girl. Really hard.

Jade's Pov:

I quickly have a warm shower, and begin to get ready. It looks cold out so I choose to wear, black skinny jeans, and a over sized, pink sweater. I wrap my hair up into my towel and begin to apply make up. Not to much, just a little bit of foundation and mascara. I unwrap my hair and blow dry it. My hair is naturally wavy, so I don't do anything to it. The blue tips look pretty wavy, I like my hair like this. I decide to change my sweater to a blue one, to match my hair. I have an endless supply of sweaters it isn't funny. Walk out of the bathroom and straight into my bedroom. I walk to the linen cupboard and get a towel for Ashton.

"Here ya go." I pass him the towel and he nods his thank you.

"I will just run out to my car and grab some clean clothes." He tell me and makes his way down the hallway. I'm starting to fall for this guy. Really hard.


We head outside to his car. We walk close to each other but not close enough.

"Sorry you have to drive me everywhere." I tell him letting out a laugh.

"It is alright, I like driving you places." I laughs with me.

"I can go for my license, I just cant be bothered. Like with school and everything." I explain to him."Maybe you can take me to get my L's?" I ask him.

"Yeah that would be cool." He says keeping his eyes on the road. We arrive at the coffee club 10 minutes later. We walk into the shop letting them sit us down at a seat.

"Here are some menus, I will be back in 5." The brunette says to the two of us walking into the kitchen.

"What are you going to have?" Ash asks me looking at the menu.

"I was thinking of having a chocolate milkshake." I smile to him."What about you?" I ask him.

"One of my favourite things ever... A banana milkshake." He laughs and I join him. The waitress walks up to us.

"What would you like to drink?" The beautiful waitress asks us.

"I will have a chocolate milkshake." I say as I watch her scribble it down on her note pad.

"And for you sir?" She asks Ashton.

"I will have a banana milkshake." He giggles. I love his laugh.

"Okay. A choc' milkshake and a banana milkshake." She reads back our order and we nod.

"I will be back, when your ready to order food." She says to us walking away.


Driving back was silent. I needed it. I take in the scenery of the Gold Coast, smiling at all the memories of when I was younger. Going to the beach with my Dad, my step-mum and my step-sister. Learning to surf. Nearly dying from getting dunk by the waves. I grew more upset of the memory of Dad kicking my step-mum and step-sister out. Them moving out and me still keeping in touch with Tahni my step-sister. Our lives went down hill from there. She began to hate her father and my Dad was in and out of jail. I moved out of my Mum's and Tahni moved into an apartment with me. Tahni would begin to date guys, getting heartbroken by most of them. She gave up on guys and stopped dating. I don't talk to my Mum much, only for money.

"Jade?" Ashton snapped me out of my thoughts, tears threatening to run out of my eyes. "Are you alright?"

Hey guys thank you for reading last update for the weekend maybe. Dont forget to VOTE and COMMENT thank you for everything!!! Xxx l love you guys :-)

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